First Day Part 2

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I walked out of the venue and got me a cigarette and checked phone seeing how we had two hours for Asking to play and seen that Austin texted me saying to come to the bus. Everyone has to play before them so I better get started taking pictures. I put out my cigarette and walked on the bus and seen them all dressed up and I smiled and said "Dammnn. You guys looking sexy as always." Alan come running up and picked me up spinning me around. I just laughed and said "Put me down, we only have a certain amount of time. Before you and PTV goes on, shit I haven't even met them do you guys have their numbers? So I can tell them to be ready and shit?" Alan put me down while I was talking and he handed me the phone with a number on it. I smiled at him and took my phone out and called the number.

(L-Lisha V-Vic)
L- Vic Fuentes?
V- Who is this?
L- Sorry This is the bands photographer Alicia.
V- Oh yeah? How can I help you?
L- I am about to start the Of Mice& Men's photo-shoot right now. Then I need to do yours, I jus wanted to tell you that when I am done I'll be over there. Just want you guys to be ready and dressed.
V- Alright you can meet us at the bus then we will figure out where we will do them.
L-Thanks see you then.
V- Alright bye.

I hung up and said "Alright let's do this, any idea's where?" Tino walked up and said "Their is this really cool building a block away with stairs I thought would look cool. Seen it when I was wondering around." I smiled and said "Let's do this." I said when we got out of the bus Tino showed me the place I looked around and said "This place if fucking awesome I love it. It will look fucking bitchin." The stood their doing what I asked and looking really good. I took about twenty and I seen this sidewalk with a cool sign on it and told them to act like they where walking towards me and had them walking and it turned out looking awesome. I looked at the time and said "Guys looked awesome I'll show you later gotta run. See you at your show, you guys go on after PTV correct?" Aaron looked at me and said "We sure do. Go do your thing."
I smiled and hugged them all and got my stuff and walked well more like slightly ran to PTV bus. I knocked and Jaime opened the door and let me in I smiled and said "I'm Lisha the photographer." Vic looks at me and said " I thought you said on the phone your name was Alicia?" I smiled and chuckled and answered him "I hate Alicia so I go by Lisha, here look." I said showing him my photo pass. They smiled and shook their head believing me. I said "Okay you guys go on soon. So you have any ideas where you want to do this?" They all looked at each other and said "The ally between the dressing room and rehearsals and the stage." "That's fine lets get going."
While we where walking and talking I seen Ben walking towards me with a pissed off face. Weird I thought to myself. He walked up to me and said "Can I talk to you for a second?" I could tell he was really pissed by the way he talked. I looked at the time seeing we are pushing it close. I looked at the band and we continued walking and I said "Yeah walk with me. In hurry so they can get on stage in time." He nodded and we walked behind the band while the goofed off and I took pictures of that just for the hell of it. "What happened Benny?" I asked looking at him still had his fist clinched "Can you take a guess?" He answered me I thought for a second and said "The wicked bitch of the west?" "Her and Danny." That struck my confession, "What about her and Danny?" "She was going on about everything again and I fucking went off well me and James did a little then, Danny got all pissy then went on her side calling you a whore and shit. So that fucking pissed me off even more to where I couldn't handle it and we said some things that shouldn't have been said. I was about to punch him when they guys pulled us apart. So I was pretty pissed and I walked outside and punched the building a couple times." I had my eyes wide opened and tears in them, but I would be damned if I let me fucking fall, I blinked them back. Everything he said to me was lie. Wow. I grabbed his hand a looked at it his knuckles were bleeding "Ben why are you fucking punching walls?! You could have fucking broke your hand! What about playing the fucking guitar?! And about Danny and Myca it shouldn't matter okay. Don't worry about it Okay. Just let everyone chill off you can stay with me if you want and make them laugh for some pictures. Sound okay don't worry about Danny, and Myca ill fucking take care of that." We got to the place they were talking about I took some really good ones, and goofy ones too. Ben was making them laugh for me and they where all goofing off. I got a kick out of it they seemed to calm him down and make him laugh. Witch I was personally grateful for. Now its time for the show. As we where walking and they were getting ready for their set I walked to pit to get ready taking their pictures seeing only the security I smiled and got a different camera ready for the show.

They came out on stage and I took like two-hundred of them they put on one fucking awesome show. Then come on Of Mice& Men, I took about the same amount ofpictures of them. Once they where done and like five minutes later Asking Alexandria came on stage and I did the same for them, Ben looked a little more relaxed on stage. I took like the same amount form them. They walked off stage and I packed up everything and walked out of the building and saw James and Ben talking outside I walked up to them and said "Great fucking show guys!" They turned around and said "Thanks, cant wait to see the pictures you took." They went to come and hug me and I said "No your sweaty and all gross." They laughed and smiled and said "Sandwich!" Then they both hugged me and the laughed. I made a disgusted face witch made them laugh even harder.
Ben and James looked behind men with a pissed off face I turned around and seen Danny and Myca walking towards us. She looked and said "Look the little whore, is with the two of them again. What planning witch one your going to fuck again first?" She laughed and I said "No, actually we were planning a threesome. But then again that is none of your business is it? Nope." She looked shocked and said "See told you she is a whore. She only sighed up so she could fuck guys in bands, why so you can get pregnant again because you lost the first one, that's a good thing though, it was better off." I got really pissed and said "Excuse me?! You are pretty fucking low to bring something like that up! Plus that is none of your fucking business now is it! NO! So why don't you shut the fuck up! You fucking piece of shit! You think that I am whore maybe you should point the finger back at yourself! Fucking bitch!!!! I would have been a fucking great parent, so you have no idea what the fucking you are talking about! What did I tell you about fucking calling me a whore?!" I yelled at her she answered me and said "What are you going to do about it?!" And that is when I snapped and lunged at her and punched her in the face and got her down on the ground and continued to punch her in the face. She tried to fight back and got one good hit it, while I sat on top of her beating the living shit out of her when someone pulled me off of her. I looked back to see who it was no one other than Danny he looked at me and said "Calm down, You are going to be okay." I got even more pissed at him and pushed him away and said "And you know what Danny Fuck you!!! You're such a fucking asshole!!" I grabbed my shit and walked away with tears in my eyes how dare the fucking bitch throw my daughter in that. I got like ten feet away when I heard someone running up to me they grabbed my arm and I pushed them off and said "Leave me the hell alone!" I seen it was Ben and I said "I need to be alone!" I walked away and got on Of Mice& Men's bus and put my shit down and seen that we where staying here tonight, on the paper. I walked to the front and seen Alan and he got up really fast seeing I had a bruise on my check and blood on my knuckles.

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