"Sorry's Don't Always Mean They Mean It."

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It's been one crazy fucking ride with these guys, and i love them so much. I got woken up to someone poking me in the face i groaned and punched the person
in the face not meaning to actually hit them in the face. I heard that person gasp I looked and seen that it was actually Alan so i didn't really feel bad after i
had found out that it was actually him. I glared at him and got out of my bunk realizing we where in Indiana I smiled to myself got of some clothes and ran to the
bathroom pushing past Austin quick with a geniuel smile on my face. Austin just laughed at me and said "Excited much. Damn women chill." I just chuckled and said
"Shut it Austy!" I laughed and quickly changed and then called Ben
B- Hey beautiful.
L- Hey Handsome
B- What you doing today? Since its the day off?
L- Going to my house. What about you?
B- Not shit. Wanna hang out?
L- Sure. Meet me at the bus in five. Kay?
B- Kay going to change now, be there in a sec. Bye Beautiful.
L- Bye, Benny

After i hung up with Ben i changed right quick and dick hair and make up, walked out with three minutes to spare. Wow. i thought to myself. I seen Austin sitting
their with everyone couches full so i looked around where to sit and he patted his lap so i sat on his lap. I seen Alan glare at me and i just chuckled and Aaron
says "So you punched Alan here in the face huh?" I smiled and said "Sure did." Austin laughed and high fived me when Ben walked on the bus and smiled at me as i did
the same back.
I got up and walked to my bunk and grabbed a bag that had my meds, smokes, and some extra clothes in it since i am staying at my house tonight and

meeting them back here before the show. Even though i still cant take pictures with my hand yet. As soon as i walked back to the front lounge and seen them all chatting

i called a taxi they said they would be here in five, so we all waited and till there was a honk outside.
We had gotten up from the couch and said our goodbyes
to all of the guys except Alan. Austin being the last one i hugged 'I'll see you tomorrow. Going to stay there tonight. Love you." He kissed the top of my head. Ben
and i walked off of the bus and got into the taxi and told him my address,
"So are you ready to see your roommates again?" Ben had asked me scaracticly because this is
all i have talked about since i found out it was our day off, and we where in fucking Indiana. So fuck yes i was excited we had been on tour for almost three months.
I missed them, i laughed at him and said "FUCK YES!" We pulled up to the house we paid and we walked up quietly since they don't know that i was coming home today.
I put my key into the door knowing they where still asleep since it is like 9 am. I put they key into the door and unlocked it, walking in to see movies all over
the place and popcorn and them two cuddled up on the couch i took a picture then looked at Ben and he smiled at me and shook his head and smiled really big. We both
walked over by their heads and yelled really loud in their hears. They both woke up startled and glaring at us and Ben an i both we clutching, our stomachs from
laughing so hard. After the laughter as calmed down a little bit we seen that they where both still cuddled up together I cocked an eyebrow and looked at them confused
as did Ben, they then realize is and jump as fire away from each other and off the couch and tackled me to the ground. literally. Ben was still stood their laughing.
I looked at him and yelled "Hey asshole get these twats off of me." He just stood there laughing at me. Then they got off and said their Hellos to Ben. We sat on the
couch and talked about tour and stuff. Talking about up coming tour pranks, we had sat on the couch drinking beer's cuddled up watching movies.

Six hours later,
we all headed to get something to eat at Applebee's. We all got in our cars, me and Ben in mine and Aaron and Brii in her's. While Ben and i sat in my car i turned
up the radio knowing a CD was probably in it not knowing off hand what it was i turned it up then Asking Alexandria came blaring through the entire car. I looked down
at my lap embarrassed and he just laughed and put his hand on my thigh and said "I'm glad you actually like our music." I went to turn it off and he smacked my hand away
and he turned it up and the rolled down his window blasting it through town so i did the same rolled down my window singing and screaming along with the CD and Ben.
That was until..
My phone rang through the system of my car not looking to see who it was pressed answer and said Hello
L- Hello?
U- Baby?
L- David?!
D- Yeah it's me.
L- What are you doing?! How did you get my number?!
D- You dont sound to happy about hearing from me.
L- probably because i am but i am not. So answer me how did you get my number.
D- Okay, Baby whats wrong? From your brother a couple weeks ago at a party.
L- When did you get out?
D- About a month ago, i got out for a couple months then i go back for another year in Iraq
L- Ohh.. Well i would say lets meet up but im kinda busy i have been on tour, and today is my day off so i am hanging with my friends and stuff.
D- Ohh well. Wait Tour?
L- Yup i tour for photoagrphy
D- Seems like your dreams came true huh?
L- Sure did, Hey well umm i kinda have to go hit me up sometime. before you go.
D- Alright bye baby.

I hung up the phone streao thingy. Ben looked at me with a confused look, i just ignored it not really wanting to talk about David so i just lit
a ciggarette and just played Moving On- By Asking Alexandria. I had my sunglasses on so he couldnt see a couple tears that fell from my eyes. David had brought me
to many memories good and well bad. And well for that little does everyone know that David and I dont see eye to eye on most things. So you can say David and I
have a not so well past. I ignored all the thoughts they had came to my mind and contuined to Applebees, witch is in Jasper  so its kind of a far drive like an hour
tops but that not including traffic. As soon as we pulled up and got with Aaron and Brii and walked in with me not saying a word to anyone, we told the lady how many
of us there was and they had sat us down. This girl i guess was our waiterss but looked like a totally slut walked over and sat her filthy hands on Ben flirting with
him. So i looked at Brii and Aaron uncomfortably at them so Brii faked coughed knowing Ben was enjoying the waitress and flirting back with her making us very
uncomfortable. When she faked coughed the waitress seen me beside Ben finally and i smirked at her, she just laughed and said "Really he is a fucking hot guy, why the
hell would he be with your ugly fake ass." I just looked at her and Ben chuckled i pushed him out of the way and onto the floor litteriltly and walked into the
bathroom. I have had enough of this day already, with Ben and David. I sat down on the floor not caring that the floor is dirty, i sat there for a couple minutes.
I stood up and straighten myself out and walked out seeing them glaring at Ben and the stupid bimbo in my seat, so i walked back to them and said "Bitch move." She
had gotten up and had asked us what we wanted to drink i was the first one to spoke and said "I'll take the hardest achoal you have. Guys get whatever you want i got
it." Brii gave me the look, 'We need to talk.' i rolled my eyes and they ordered what ever they wanted she came back with our drinks and had asked what we wanted to
eat, we told her and she went to go and get it.
Brii had looked at me and said "So how did you hurt your hand?" I laughed and said "Yeah funny story actually so i had gotten into a fight with Danny's
stupid girlfriend then Alan Ashby from OMAM decided to squeeze really hard on it till it almost broke." I said while chuckling. The conversations went on with them
asking Ben questions. I had tuned them out and just wait for our food we ate me barley, while we where still eating i had four drinks of whatever it was not even
fucking caring what it was but it was doing the trick. So it made all the pain less pain full, made the real world not suck so bad. I know when we all where done i
walked up and paid and then out to my car i stumbled out of the restaurant and to my car trying to get the keys out of my pocket and then dropped them when Ben came up
behind me and said "Your letting me fucking drive!" I rolled my eyes and picked them up and stood back up when he grabbed them out of my hands. I looked at him and
rolled my eyes and said "Why are you being such a stupid cunt for!" He had just rolled his eyes and picked my up bridal style and put me in the passenger side. He
than ran to the driver side and got in and typed my address into the maps and got there in no time. I stumbled out of the car and up to the door and waited for them
to hurry up. They walked in front of my well Brii and Aaron did to unlock the door and everything, while Ben helped me stand even though it pissed me off more. Once
we got into the apartment i walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and took of my make up the best i could. Once i was done i opended the door, Ben was just
standing there. I slowly closed the door and tried to push past him.
"We need to get you some water." he said, spinning me around, a little too fast.
"No, bed." i said trying to get him off of me.
"No, Water." He had said sternly.
I was still a little tipsy, so i let him lead me back to the living room. I sat down on the couch and just stared at him, the room was spinning really bad.
Ben had handed me a water bottle i drank half of it. So i just then got up off the couch and said my good night's to everyone. I went to my room with Ben following
behind me i walked into my closet and changed into some boxers and a baggy tshirt that was still here. I changed infront of Ben, not caring he has seen me before.
Then i crawled into my bed and sighed and thought to myself "Its great to be back in my bed for a night." Ben had just took off his pants and shirt on leaving him
in his boxers so he crawled into bed after me and raped his arms around my waist and pulls me closer and said
"who is David?" he had asked me.
"Doesnt matter." I answered him.
'It does to matter." He kept agging it on
"No it doesnt Ben leave it alone!" I said sterly wanting this subject to be over.
"Fine for now. Night Beautiful."
"Night Ben."

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