Part 1: The Boyfriend

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Photo credit to whoever made the edit^^
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Hope you like this new story better. :)
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(Elsa's POV)
I was woken up by my alarm clock. I turned it off and walked to my closet. I picked out a royal blue long sleeve shirt that says "Ice Queen" in dark blue, some black jeans, and a pair of dark blue converse. I quickly took a shower, got dressed, and put my hair into a french braid. I texted my friends "I need to tell you guys something at the bus stop. It's important!" they all said "ok" and I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning Elsa." My Mom said when I got downstairs. "Morning" I said to my mom. I sat down and my Mom served me some pancakes. I started to eat and then Anna, my little sister, came downstairs. "Good morning Anna." We all said.

"Morning" she said as she sat down and my Mom severed her pancakes. We finished eating, said bye to our mom, and headed out the door. I glanced next door and saw Jack, my best friend since 1st grade, come out of his house.

"Hey Frost." I said when he was walking next to Anna and I. "Hey Winters, Hey Anna." He smiled. He and I always call each other by nicknames we have for each other except if it's something serious. "So what do you have to tell everyone?" He asked. "I'll tell you along with everyone else at the bus stop." I said. He groaned "But I'm your best friend!" He always uses that excuse. "But I want to tell everybody at the same time." "But I-" he started but Anna interrupted him. "Will you two stop arguing!" "Fine." Jack said.

We got to the bus stop where Rapunzel, Merida, and Hiccup were waiting. "What's the important news?!" The three of them asked me. "So you know how Hans took me to the movies on Friday?" They all nodded and Jack looked slightly annoyed. "Well... Heaskedmetobehisgirlfriend!" I said smiling. The girls started squealing (even Merida who is a tomboy, but something she still acts like a girl) and Jack kinda yelled "WHAT?" Hiccup tried to make it look like he cared even though He probably only cared a tiny bit since we're friends. "What did you say?!" They all asked. I smiled and said/screamed "I said yes!" The girls and I squealed, Hiccup acted like he cared, and Jack looked annoyed and kinda angry I didn't know why though he was my best friend he should be happy for me! The bus arrived and we all got on and the girls asked me a ton of questions while Jack and Hiccup we talking about something I couldn't hear.
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(Jack's POV)
Hans asked Elsa to be his girlfriend?! And she said yes?! Idk why I was so annoyed and angry maybe because Elsa is my best friend and I don't want her to get hurt. I heard Hans cheated on his last girlfriend so I don't trust him. "Are you ok buddy?" Hiccup asked me interrupting my thoughts. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be ok?" I answered.  "I don't know you look kinda mad." Was it that obvious? Did Elsa notice too? Why am I worrying about what Elsa thinks? What's wrong with me today? "It's nothing." Was I jealous? PSHHH why would I be jealous? First off, Elsa is my best friend nothing more. Second, I am THE Jack Frost I am a player, a heartbreaker, the hottest guy in school and girls swoon over me everyday so I can have any girl I want.

We finally got to school and Elsa and I went to our lockers after waving goodbye to our friends. Elsa's locker is right next to mine so we always walk to our lockers together. When she opened her locker someone came up behind her, covered her eyes and said "Guess who." She smiled and said "Hans." "Yup" he said. She turned around and hugged him. I rolled my eyes, closed my locker. And started walk to history and then Elsa ran up next to me and said "Wait up Frosty the Snowman!" I stayed silent. "What's wrong? You haven't said a word to me since we got on the bus." "Nothing's wrong." I lied. "Ok..."

We got to English class. When I walked in a bunch of girls started fixing their hair and makeup. I smirked at them and they all squealed. I  don't know why I was so angry and annoyed that Elsa had a boyfriend I mean I know she's my best friend but that's doesn't mean I need to feel like this. By the time 2nd period comes I'll be completely over this feeling and I'll probably just start flirting with some random girl. Who cares about Elsa and her love life.
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Hope you Enjoyed Part: 1 The Boyfriend
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I'll update when I can! Thanks for reading!

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