Part 3: It's Killing Me Inside

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(Jack's POV)
Elsa got a text and then she started smiling at it "Who's textin' ya and makin' ya smile so big?" Merida asked. "Hans." She answered. UGH Hans that douchebag (as my best friend called him). "Speaking of your boyfriend where is he? Don't you usually sit with him at lunch?" Punzie asked. "He's doing extra credit" "Yeah 'extra credit' sure" I mumbled quiet enoigh so no one heard me clearly. Elsa heard something so she looked at me and said "What?" To witch I replied "Nothing." And then and She got another text.

Elsa sighed. "What's wrong?" Punzie asked. "It's our 2 month anniversary and he's grounded." "2 month anniversary?!" I asked asked. I cant tell her today it'll break her heart but if I don't it'll still break her heart.
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*flashback* (start the flashback music)

I look around the corner and I see... OH MY GOD. I'm shocked at first but then I'm angry I'm really angry because I can't believe Hans would do that to Elsa. I saw him and Tooth holding hands, laughing, and kissing!! He's... HE'S CHEATING ON ELSA ON MY BEST FRIEND!! And what makes it worse is that Tooth is one of Elsa's best friends from the Cheerleading Squad. I have to tell Elsa! I run to the cafeteria angry and annoyed.

*end of flashback* (stop the flashback music)
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My thoughts are interrupted by Elsa "Yeah can you believe we've been together for 2 months." "Time sure flies by fast." Hiccup said. "Well... maybe we should hang out since Hans can't hang out. So you wont be alone." Punzie suggested. "Sure!" We all said. When the bell rang we all agreed we would meet at the front of school and then we went to our classes
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Wibbly wobbly timy wimey stuff happens again a we skip to the end of school *TARDIS sounds*

I waited at the front of school with Hic waiting for Rap, Mer, and Els. (Idk why i really wanted to name them all by 3 letter nicknames) All I've been thinking about since lunch is Hans cheating on Elsa and how I'm going to tell her and IF I'm even going to tell her. I can't let Hans play her like that but if I tell her she might not believe me and if she does then she'll be heartbroken. Should I tell her? Should I not? Should I confront Hans? Should I confront Tooth? UGH I don't know what to do and it's killing me inside I don't want to see Elsa get hurt.

My thoughts get interrupted when the girls finally come. "Hey." Hiccup said. "Hey!" All three of them said. "Let's go?" Rapunzel said. "Yeah sure." I said. "Anna is going to use the car so she can go home so I'm going to ride with you Frost." Elsa told me. "Ok." This could be my chance to tell her about Hans. But then she'll be sad and won't enjoy herself at the mall. I can't do that to her.

We all start to walk to our cars. Elsa and I go to my white Toyota (idk). I open the door for her and when she gets in I close it, go to the drivers seat, and start the car. We ride in silence until she says "Ok Frosty the Snowman what's wrong?" "W-what?" I ask. Has she noticed that this Hans thing is bothering me? Should I tell her? No I'll wait till after the mall or tomorrow. I don't want to ruin this trip to the mall for her. We haven't hung out all of us as friends for 2 months. I'll just tell her tomorrow... yeah... tomorrow. My thoughts fot interrupted by her saying "You were acting weird at lunch and you haven't said a word to me since we got in the car." "Oh um... I just have a lot on my mind that's all." I said. She touches my shoulder and says "Jack we're best friends you know you can tell me anything." She says and then smiles. Her touch and her beautiful smile make me feel better. I slightly smile at her and then turn my attention back to the road.
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(Elsa's POV)
Jack smiles at me slightly and then he turns back to the road. I love it when he smiles, but I wish he would tell me what's wrong.

We soon get to the mall. We switch between going to the stores Punzie and I want to go to and the ones Jack, Hiccup, and Merida want to go to. After a while we get hungry and decide to go to the food court.

We're laughing as we walk to the food court but then I see something at it makes me freeze... OH... MY... GOD... "What's wrong lass?" Merida asked. I open my mouth to try to speak but I can't because I'm frozen. They look to where I'm looking "OMG!" Punzie says. We all see Hans, my boyfriend, and Tooth, one of my closest friends, in the food court laughing and kissing. I can't believe her would do this to me. He looks up and sees me. I can feel the tears in my eyes. As soon as he gets up I run. Where I'm running to I don't know all I know is that I have to get out of here. I run out of the mall and sit on a bunch near the entrance. I keep replaying what just happened in my mind. Hans has been cheating on me. How long has he been cheating on me? Is this why he's always busy? How could he do this to me? How could Tooth do this to me? All these questions are spinning around in my head. It's killing me inside.
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Hope you liked Part 3: It's killing me inside
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When something is in parentheses and bolded that's me talking FYI :)
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I'll update when I can. :) <3

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