Part 6: The Fight

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*Magical time skip to 5 days later.*
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(Jack's POV)
It's been 5 days and all I can think about is the kiss. I don't know why I can't get it out of my head. It was only a kiss... a perfect kiss with a perfect gi- NO STOP IT JACK STOP IT!

"Ok class dismissed." Mrs. White, my science teacher, says(A/N: Snow White). I didn't even hear half the things she said during class. I always zoned out and found myself starting at Elsa.

Elsa got up and went to her locker. I stared at her until Mrs. White said "Jack class is dismissed you can go to Lunch now." "Oh sorry." I said as I got up and left the classroom. When I got closer to my locker I saw Elsa and... HANS! Hans grabs her wrist and she yells at him to let her go. He keeps grabbing her wrist while she struggles to get out of his grasp. I walk up to them with anger in my eyes "Let her go Hans!"

"Stay out of this Frost." He says and pushes me back. Then I did something I've wanted to do since he became Elsa's boyfriend. I punched him right in the face. Everyone around us gasped including Elsa. He was holding his bleeding nose when he said "I told you to stay out of this." He punched me back. We started to fight and people started to crowd around us. I could hear Elsa calling my name to stop but I ignored her. Hans kicked me in the stomach, pushed me to the ground, and continued to kick me. I saw Elsa push him away from me and then everything went black...

(Elsa's POV)


I opened my locker and started to put my books away when someone leaned on the locker next to me. I thought it was Jack so I looked up only to see Hans. I rolled my eyes and continued to put my books away. "We need to talk." He said. "You and I have nothing to talk about." I said as I closed my locker. "Yes we do." He then grabbed my wrist. "Let me go!" "Not until we talk." I struggled to get out of his grasp and then Jack came.

"Let her go Hans!" He looked very angry. "Stay out of this Frost." Hans let go of my wrist to push him away. Jack then punched Hans and everyone gasped. The next thing I knew Hans had pushed Jack to the floor and was kicking him. I couldn't stand it anyone so I pushed Hans away from Jack. I kneeled down next to Jack who was unconscious. Just then Hiccup, Rapunzel, Merida, and Flynn pushed through the crowd.

"What happened?!" Hiccup asked. "He's unconscious," I was trying to hold back the tears. "we have to take him to the nurse!"  Then Hiccup and Flynn picked him up and took him to the nurse while Rapunzel, Merida, and I followed them.

*end of flashback*

Merida, Flynn, Rapunzel, and Hiccup went to class but I'm the nurse with Jack. He's is awake and the nurse is cleaning him up. Just then Hans walks in and Jack glares at him. "Just sit down I'll be right with you." The nurse says. Hans sits next to me and I stand up. I don't want to be anywhere near him. "Ok Jack you can go now," The nurse gets two hall passes from her desk and hands them to us. "give these to your teacher." Jack glares at Hans again and I drag him out of the nurse's office.

We start to walk to our French class in silence. "I'm sorry abou-" I interrupt him by hugging him. "I'm just glad you're ok." I say. He hugs me back and it's like time around us has frozen. We stay like that for a while before breaking the hug. "Uh... Maybe we should get to class." Jack says rubbing his neck. "Yeah let's go."
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Hope you enjoyed Part 6: The fight!
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I hate Hans so much how dare he hurt Jack😡!
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Sorry it's short.
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I'll update when I can! <3 :)

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