We Will Watch Over You

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Heeey guys!! Another chapter, WHOOP WHOOP! Caution: tears may be shed. This may be a sad chapter, for all you emotional readers out there... :( sorry if it sucks, and if there is any punctuation or spelling errors sorry. Its hard typing stories on my phone, computer is broken... Stupid computer. And this will just be a short chapter... Anyhoo enjoy.



Being dead is not as bad as i thought it would be...

Yeah it hurt dyeing, but the pain goes away. All my cuts and blood are gone. My bullet holes healed and vanishing. I sat down in the white sand and wiggled my toes it it. The beach in heaven is nice, a pool and little cabins on the beach as well. I closed my eyes and just took it all in.

Im dead.

Im no longer down with all my friends and loved ones. The best part is, i can watch over them. In some way, i can still always be there for them. But i gets lonely up here... I just hope i wont be seeing any of my friends up here for a while.

"Harry?" A voice spoke cracking a little.

I knew that voice, i turned my head. No no no... Why Cheyenne? Oh god. I got up and ran to her, taking her in my arms. "Im so sorry love... I-i was watching and i heard what you said. I didnt want to know what was going to happen to you, so i looked away." Tears forming in my eyes. As i pulled away i saw faint burn marks slowly healing. What did he do to her? I dont want to know, just enjoy this moment, as i pulled her into another hug. Kissing her on the top of her heaf, making little sparks going off.

*Cheyennes POV*

"Come on Cheye! I will throw you in if i have to!" Harry yelled chasing after me in the sand. "You cant make me!!"

And being Harry with his long ass legs he easily catches up to me and scoops me up, carrying me bridal style. He leaned his head down, his curls tickling my face, "Oh yes i can. You have to say it or i will throw you in the pool Cheyenne." He whispered, giving me goosebumps.

Im not going to lie, pouring my heart out to Niall, and learning he doesn't give a shit, really broke me... But it helped me to learn that he may not be the one.

"well? Say it or..." Harry spoke again in a deep raspy, sexy voice, giving me butterflies. He started walking over to the pool, "No no no, Harry. Come on..." I pleaded.

"Say it..." He was at the edge of the pool now.

Damn, i lost this round...

"HARRY IS THE SEXIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!" I yelled, just as Harry jumped into the freezing water, with me in his arms.

As we splashed into the water, we stayed under, me still in his arms for warmth. As we surfaced, gasping for air, Harry chuckled.

"I didnt think you were going to say it so i jumped in... Whoops." He laughed, i just hit him in his arm. "ugh Harry, i swear sometimes i just wanna..." I trailed off getting lost in his sparkling green eyes. And then it happened. Harry slowly leaned in, our lips connecting, making sparks fly. Surprisingly, in my shock, i kissed back. I smiled into the kiss never breaking it. The kiss was perfect, filled with passion and... Love. Tears came to my eyes knowing now that the moment i have been waiting my life for finally happened...

When im dead.

We pulled away breathless.

"Kiss you..." I said finally finishing my sentance from before. Harry chuckled and wiped the tear that had ran down my cheek. He took me into his arms again, this time longer and warmer it seemed. He then startex to sing soflty.

" Oh i just wanna take you anywhere that you like.

We could go out any day any night.

Baby I'll take you there, take you there. Baby I'll take you there!

Oh tell me, tell me, tell me how to turn your love on.

You can get, get anything that you want.

Baby just shout it out, shout it out! Baby just shout it out!


And if you, you want me to, lets make a move.


So tell me girl if everytime we touch! You get this kind of rush!

Baby say yeah yeah yeah!

Yeah yeah yeah!

If you dont wanna take it slow, and you just wanna take me home!

Baby say yeah yeah yeah!

Yeah yeah yeah!

And let me kiss you!

Oh baby baby dont you know you got what i need.

Lookin so good from your head to your feet.

Come, come over here, over here. Come, come over here.


Oh i just wanna show you off to all my friends, makin them drool off their chinney chins chins.

Baby be mine tonight, mine tonight! Baby be mine tonight, yeah!

And if you, you want me to. Lets make a move!


So tell me girl if every time we touch, you get this kind of rush! Baby say yeah yeah yeah!

Yeah yeah yeah!

If you dont wanna take it slow, and you just wanna take me home!

Baby say yeah yeah yeah!

Yeah yeah!

And let me kiss you!

(let me kiss you! x4)

Come on!

Nananananana nana

nanananana nana

nanananana nana!

So baby-"

I cut him off laughing, because he was now screaming it. " Beautiful, now Can we get out, im cold." I mumbled into his chest.

"Mmhm" he hummed into my hair, pickimg me up, just like before. My arms wrapping aroung his neck, and getting out of the pool.

"Do you wanna check on everyone?" Harry asked quietly. I really didnt want to but i guess i could.

I nodded.

We walked over to the water and sat down looking into the waves.

I turned my head and pecked Harry on the lips.

I think i like being dead.



Well remember when i said this would be a short chapter... Um as you can tell i got carried away... And its no longer a short chapter. Hope you liked it! And if you are confused, they can watch over anyone, and the image of that person appears on any near by surface of water... Soo i hope that cleared it up for y'all, lol

And some Charry for you! Help me and comment some good ship names for Cheyenne and Harry. Have a spectacular day! Toodles! Omg did i just say that? Oh god just dont listen to me... Lurv you guys!

~Myah <3




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