You Lied

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A/N: heeyyloo everybody! Are you guys excited for summer!! I know i sure the hell am! And also i can update fasted, without school and that much work in the way. So todays chapti will be maybe sad, you have to find out.

Now read read read the chapter.


*Daniels POV*

When Ari told us to take a rest, i woke up in a diffrent room with Liam. What happened? Where is everyone else? More importantly are they ok?

As soon as Liam opened his eyes i started calling his name. "Liam?" He snapped his head up and stared at me. Why isn't he talking? He looked away and started to shiver. His eyes were wide open in shock, and the chains started to rattle from his spastic movements. I was getting scared. What happened to him? "Liam!" I screamed his name trying to get his attention.

"Liam babe!! Whats wrong! Please look at me!" He seemed to not even hear me. His head tilted up towards the ceiling, mouth wide open. Please let him be ok.... Please.

Just then the door creaks open and our kidnapper walks in. "no no no no no... NOOO PLEASE NO! What the hell did you do to him?!" I screamed at him.

He smiled and walked up to me, pulling a... Knife out from behind his back. I let out a shaky breath as Liam continued to shake.

"N-no... LIAM!! You promised you wouldn't let me get hurt! Y-you promised..." I screamed trying to bring him back. You... You lied to me Liam!! YOU L-LIED!" As i screamed that Liam looked up, sorrow in his eyes, but still in no control of his body. When i went to scream again i felt the cold touch of the knife on my neck.

I was breathing hard as tears brimmed in my eyes. "Aww are you going to cry, huh? If a single tear rolls down your cheek..." He laughed, " this knife will be going into your neck." He spat, spitting on my face.

I tried with all i could to hold back my tears. Just everything got to me. Whats happening, if everyone is ok, if Liam is ok. I just cant take it. I dont know how long i can take it. My eyes started to burn, as the smile in the sicko's face grew wider. I could barely speek with the knife pressed so close to my neck.

"im sorry Liam, i just cant..."

And i let go.

Everything just came pouring out of me. All the emotions, all these unforgettable memories, the friends i have lost. It all came out in tears. Tears and blood. As soon as the first tear fell i felt the cool metal cut into my skin.

I tried to scream in pain but he had already cut into my vocal cord. I felt a burning sensation spread throughout my neck, then to my body. I was gasping for air, trying to hold on, trying to keep my eyes open long enough to see my precious Liam one last time.

As my blood seeped out of my neck and soaked my clother our kidnapper continued to make small but painfully deep cuts all over my body.

I cant hold on any longer.

I have to just except that im going to die. And with one finale glance at my love, i let go. And drifted into an endless sleep. To soon be met by Harry and Cheyenne, and maybe more.


Ha! You thought it was over! Keep reading!


*Nialls POV*

I was in another room when i woke up. Thankfully i wasn't chained up, free to move around. I dont think my wrists can take it anymore. I looked down at my wrists. Dry blood crusted over the wound, my bone still slightly visible. I was alone in the room, finally silence. I finally have time to think about everything.

How Liam and Danielle wanted us all to go camping. How our van just happened to run out of gass as our kidnapper walked across the street. We never knew what would happen when the man started walking up to our car, a rag in his hand. How i met my childhood love Cheyenne again.And how i just let her slip through my fingers, and just like that she was gone forever. Who knows maybe im the only one left alive.

Tears pricked at my eyes, and I let go. All my emotions pooring out. Anger, hatred, sadness. I was losing it, i can feel my sanity slowly slipping away the more i cried.

I got up and stumbled to the door and let my anger out on it. Banging, kicking, and shouting at the door.


I stopped turning my back to the door and slid down to the floor.

"Please... Anything but this. I just want to be with Ch-" i broke off i cant even bare to say her name, unless to go into another fitful rage. I have never cried more than this in my life, and i never will again. I leaned my head back against the wall, taking in a deep breath.

Screams for the room next to me filled my ears. I shook my head and covered my ears, i cant take it, i cant listen to screams anymore. Tears pouring again. The muffled screams finally died down and i thought of who has left now.

I took my hands off my ears and looked up. My gaze met by a rope hanging from the ceiling. I started to shake. But i knew its what i asked for, i had to do it.


^ i dont know what those are but i like it.


OH NO! Niall is going cray cray! Will he do it! Find out in the next chapter. Aww Dani is gone, what happened to Liam do you think? So far everyone that is no longer alive is

Danilel :,(

Katelyn >:P

Harry :,(

Cheyenne :,(

So just keeping track.

Sorry i didnt really update i just added on to this chapter. I went and say The Great Gatsby yesterday, and let me tell you Leonardo DiCaprio is lookin damn sexy. The movie was perfect over all, i cried like a bitch. The soundtrack was AmaZayn! I really recommend you go see it. Bye have a good day/night!

~Myah <3




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