Escape Is Impossible

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Heyy all you Lovely, flower field frolicking butterflies! How are you guys? So heres the next chapter, sorry if its bad. Writers block kills sometimes.



Wow, Arianna will be a great mom she is so kind, caring, and lovable. she opened her arms for us, without thinking we joined in for a group hug. "im so sorry this has happened to you.." I said truthfully. "dont worry dear. That was then, this is now. And i know a way to get out of this hell." Ari whispered, happiness in her voice.

We all pulled away with shocked expressions on our faces. Ari just chuckled, "dont worry, i will tell you everything soon. Now everyone needs to get some rest." Everyone just stared at her. "what about-" El started, but Ari cut her off. "Dont worry aboit him, with me in here he wont be visiting for a bit. Now get some rest, Please." She said. "Come on guys, lets get some sleep." Niall mumbled, everyone nodding in agreement.

We all scooted to different corners, as i looked around. Everyone had someone to sleep wi th, all but poor Niall. "Babe you ok?" Zayn asked. Then it all just clicked. None of us will be ok... Anger boiled inside of me." No babe, im not OK. None of us are OK. We may be for now but when he comes back we-" i paused thinking about Harry and Cheyenne. " We will all be seeing Cheyenne and Harry soon lets just say..." I trailed off the anger diapering, and collapsing on the floor exhausted.

*Nialls POV*

Perrie seemed pretty overwhelmed and overly tired right now, zayn just nodded and snuggled up to her side and fell asleep. I looked around and everyone was asleep, cradling their girlfriends.

I sighed putting my head in my hands and let my held back tears flow free.

"im so sorry dear, i really do hope i can help you guys." I looked over to Arianna, i forgot she was here. " she- she wanted to go..." Hoping she got what i meant so i wouldn't have to explain.

"thats good..." What?!

"you have to let go of some of the things you love most." She said, looking me in the eyes.

More tears came down, "but its so hard to let go..." She just sighed. "dear get some sleep. You need it." She was right, i was exhausted. I nodded and slumped down on the cold floor. And as soon as my head was on the floor i was out,

dreaming of Cheyenne.

*Liams POV*

When i woke up i was expecting to see the room i fell asleep in but instead i was chained to the wall in a different room with Dani across from me.

I started to freak out.

How long was i asleep? Where is everyone else? What happened to Arianna? All these questions were racing through my mind.

"Liam, babe are you ok?" Dani wispere.

As she said that i realized i was breathing really fast, and was shaking. I couldnt stop, I've just had it. I cant take this anymore, my body cant take this.It sounded like Dani was yelling my name but her voice was far away.

My vision went blurry, and the chains started rattling from my shaking movements. What is going on? Its like im not in control of my body. I started to ache all over, and then i heard screaming.

Dani was screaming something, but i couldn't make it out. All i saw was her blurry figure, and a tall dark figure in front of her.

Its him.

Then my eyes closed, slipping into dark sleep, as Daniele's screams drown out.

*Eleanor s POV*

All i could hear was screams of bloody murder.I finally managed to open my eyes. Blood was everywhere, as i looked around pain seared through my body at the slightest of movements.

Soon my eyes fell upon a body.

Their chest was ripped open down the middle, organs spilling out. I couldn't look anymore but i had to find out who it was.

As my eyes adjusted to the dim room i searched the face of the boy. It was hard to tell who it was, blood covered his face.

Tears brimmed in my eyes just looking at the person.

"aww dear,im so sorry for your loss." A female voice spoke sarcastically.

I looked up from the body to see... Arianna? "Ari! Please can you help me get out of these chains?! What happened?! Who is that?!" The questions just flowed out.

Then she laughed, it sounded like one of those evil guys creepy laugh in a scary movie. It gave me the chills. "you little dip shit..."

Excuse me?

"dont you see? Thats your little lover boy!" She spat out and brought out a huge butcher knife co ered in dark red blood from behind her back. Wait... What? What the fucking fuck?

I just sat there frozen in shock.

She... Killed my Louis.

"Boo bear... Im so sorry love..." I whispered/ whimpered. "i wish

i was there to save you." Tears poured out of my eyes, staining my cheeks.

" aww, shut up bitch!" Ari snapped causing me to jump.

" you have to let go of some of the things you love most dear." She smiled wickedly. Eww. So the whole time she was with us was a huge trick? What?

And with that she walked out of the room, leavung the door wide open.

I struggled and writhed, trying to get out of the chains and away from the body of my beloved boyfriend, his body starting to already smell. I wiggled my hands above my head and an idea came to mind. I remember doing my hair all up before heading off for our camping trip, and using bobbie pins! My hands seemed to move on their own, as they searched my hair for a pin. Why when i need a pin i cant find one!! Stupid hair, im just kidding i love you hair. Oh god this place is making me mad, i mean im talking to my HAIR! Blaa focus El.

Then my hand landed on a pin deep in my hair. Right now i just needed to get out, so i ripped the pin out of my hair, pulling pieces out with it. Owwi. As soon the pin was out i got to work trying to pick the lock on my wrist cuffs. Yeah i know how to pick a lock got a problem?

"Click" i gasped as the chains fell to the floor. Rubbing my wrists i ran to the door. Peaking my head out to cheak if it was all clear.

'Ok El, now you just have to find the others.' I took a deep breath and ran out the room and down the hallway quietly. Without looking back, as tears blurred my vision.


Weeell Arianna is in on the whole thing! I guess idk, it just came out of my brain. So yeah lets just go with that. And aww Louis is gone, i cried. Im sorry. Have a good day guys!





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