TRIS and make up

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I had left Eric over a week ago we saw each other at work and that was all I refused to talk to him or look at him knowing I would crumble and go back to him he needed to learn that he can't treat me like shit and expect me to suck it up even with a sorry and a beg I hade given him one too many chances I was on the train with Max and Eric in our way to Erudite I could feel Eric's eyes burning into me but I still refused to look until Max spoke up

"Okay this is ridiculous you can't ignore each other forever" Eric remains silent I raise my head to look at Max

"We could try" I raise an eyebrow he shakes his head

"What's the deal with you two" he looks between us

"We're on a 'break' apparently" Eric says I glare at him

"What do you mean apparently" I snap

"I mean you've broken up with me you have no intentions of getting back together" he snaps back he was right but I wasn't going to admit it

"Oh so your a fucking mind reader now because if you're your a pretty shit one" this makes him look at me so fast I think he got whiplash

" might get back with me" he asks thinking I shifted round uncomfortably I never was good at rejecting people I just took a deep breath

"Stop pestering me about it alright" I avoided the question but I could tell he wasn't going to let that slip easily we finally got to Erudite I had never been so happy to see the place I jumped out and we were met by Jeanine

"Eric, Max, Tina how very nice to see you" she greeted

"Nice to see you too Jeanine now what are we here for" I say in a cold voice that sends shivers up my own spine never mind anyone else's

"Well we have someone for you to see" Jeanine says gesturing us to follow we did and we were led to the prison part I know from personal experience we reach the end one Jeanine opens it to reveal Tris

"What the hell how?" I ask turning to Jeanine

"She gave herself in" I shook my head pinching the bridge of my nose at Tris's stupidity this would break Four in half

"I've seen enough" I say sternly I go to turn but someone grabs me pushing me against the wall I don't get to look at the person before I am injected with something which makes me collapse to the floor and black out.



Tina turns to walk away but is attacked by one of Jeanine's guards and injected with something that makes her unconscious I am injected in the neck by Max I look at him confused before passing out.


(Still Eric POV)

I slowly wake up my eyes adjusting to the light I sit up and groan at the stiffness in my body I look around I am in an Erudite prison cell I see Tina laid in a bed across from me she soon starts to come around I watch her come to the same realization suddenly Max walks in

"Ah your both awake good" he smile

"Max what are we doing in here" I ask

"Well I figured you two wouldn't talk on your own terms so I decided to lock you in here till you sort out your differences" he says walking out locking the door

"MAX YOU MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD" Tina shouts jumping out the bed she starts hyperventilating I realize what's happening shes developed a fear of this place I go and wrap my as around her waist and carry her to the bed placing her on my lap I stroke her hair rocking her attempting to calm her down

"I'm here there not going to hurt you" I whisper she buries her head in my chest she starts to calm down I lift her head up "there's nothing to be afraid of" she nods in reply

"Thanks" her voice is barley above a whisper

"Do you forgive me" I ask hopeful she thinks for a minute

"I think you've learnt your lesson" I kiss her passionately happy but at the same time mad at Max for doing this.

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