The Plan

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Eric POV

I woke up expecting to see Tina in my arms but she wasn't I figured she had already got up I got up and dressed and styled my hair I walked down stairs I hear Tina singing she sounded like an angel I stood and listened to her sing because she always stopped if something me walked in because she was embarrassed

"Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird

And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring

And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass

And if that looking glass gets broke,
Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat

And if that billy goat won't pull,
Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull

And if that cart and bull turn over,
Papa's gonna buy you a dog named Rover

And if that dog named Rover won't bark
Papa's gonna buy you a horse and cart

And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town" she finished I smiled I could hear Jessie gurgling Jessie was almost 1 now but still couldn't say dada or mama I leaned in the doorway watching Tina play with Jessie they both looked so happy Tina turned and saw me she blushed slightly

"How long have you been stood there" she asks

"Long enough" I smile and walk over to her planting a kiss on her lips "your an amazing singer by the way" I whisper she blushed even more before looking like she remembered something

"Anyways Four, Tris and my let down of a mother have arranged a meeting to plan the attack on Erudite that I completely forgot about" she said looking at Jessie I put my hand under her chin and tilted it up so she was looking at me

"It's going to be fine I promise" I see a tear slider down her face I wipe it away with the pad of my thumb

"And what if it's not, what if we die" she says

"I won't let that happen now stop worrying about that and worry about the fact that our child is almost one and still hasn't said her first word" I smile she smiles back I sit next to her

"Jessie baby can you say dada" I say emphasizing each syllable

"" Jessie responded I almost fell out my seat

"Jessie can you say dada again" I ask

"Dada" she says happily clapping and bouncing I smile

"Now say mama" Tina says using my method

"" Jessie responds I smile and kiss Tina on the lips and Jessie on the head

"Anyway let's get to this god damn meeting" Tina says covering Jessie's ears I smile she hands me Jessie we walk towards Evelyn's office we walk in and Four looks at Tina and me we sit down I bounce Jessie on my knee

"Now as we all know Erudite attacked abnegation in order to obtain power now we have been planning to attack Erudite for a few months now and I feel now is a good time to plan and start our attack on Erudite" she explains "right so I have a basic layout of the compound here" she says laying a map out "we just need to figure out how to attack successfully" she says

"It's simple" Tina pipes up

"Why do you say that" Evelyn asks

"Me and Eric spent a couple of weeks there so we know where all the guards are and we can get through all the doors" she explains

"But won't she have removed us from the system because where with these lot" I ask

"No because as far as she knows where dead so she won't have bothered" she answers

"So could you plot out where all the guards are and where Jeanine might be" Evelyn asks Tina nods and Evelyn passes her a pen in a few minutes she is done I look at it and it's pretty accurate "so where will Jeanine be" Evelyn asks

"They have a box that contains a message from the founders that can only be opened by a divergent so she will be right here" Tina says pointing to a room on the map "because this is where the box is" she explains Evelyn nods

"So what's the best strategy" Evelyn asks Tina raises an eyebrow

"Are you serious" she asks

"Deadly" Evelyn replies Tina rolls her eyes and looks at the map

"So me and Eric will go in first claiming to have escaped from you we will switch off all security systems and whatnot so you guys can get in and shoot all the motherfuckers" she responded Evelyn nods

"That could work" she says thinking

"But how can we trust you" Four buts in

"I'll leave Jessie here so I have to come back" Tina responds not seeming bothered by her brothers accusations

"That's it then we attack tomorrow" I nearly fall off my chair

"So soon" I ask

"The sooner the better" Evelyn says "dismissed" we all get up and leave I wrap my arm around Tina pulling her close when we get back I place Jessie in her cot since she had fallen asleep when I walked back to our room Tina smashed her lips to mine I almost stumbled back but managed to stop myself I wrapped my arms around her waist while hers made there way round my neck

"I love you Eric, no matter what happens tomorrow" she says pulling away

"I love you too"

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