Ch. 9 Border Patrol

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As my eyes opened to see that the sun was just starting to rise I rose to my paws and left the den. Yesterday had been a good day. I was now a ThunderClan apprentice with the name of JayPaw and I'd be starting training today. Over the time that I was healing Stonepaw had taught me almost everything about the clan when he was with me in the apprentice den and now I knew how clan life was it could get hard especially in leafbare.

I walked up to the fresh kill pile and grabbed a small mouse. I wasn't very hungry so this would be enough to full my slightly hungry stomach.

I gulped down the mouse and laid down in the shade. I laid there for a long time and before I noticed the clan started to wake and everything became an active blur of pelts as I heard my new name called and turned to see RedStar.

"Yeah?" I said as he approached me

"Your dutys start today and you will be training with StonePaw from now on." He said as he sat down near me and wrapped his tail around his paws. "Your mentor will be LionPelt, I hope that you will listen to him." He finished saying as he started to leave.

I looked around for StonePaw as I started to get up and leave the shade. As I glanced around the camp my eyes stopped at the grey pelt that stood there talking to another cat. I walked over and tapped him on the shoulder with my tail as I sat down next to him.

He turned to me as I gave him a happy glare.

"What is it?" He asked

"I'm going to be training with you!" I said eagerly as I saw the the look of happiness on my friends face.

"I totally forgot! You start training today!" He said as he got up. "Come on let's go find LionPelt!" He said as he ran off, I followed him as we stopped by LionPelt.

"What are we doing today?" StonePaw said as I looked around at the cats stareing at him as if he was a cat without ears.

"Well I thought we could give JayPaw a look at the territory so I asked RedStar if we could go on border patrol." LionPelt answered as he started walking to a group of cats. "Well aren't you guys coming?" He asked as we joined the cats.


We were almost done with border patrol but as I looked at the cats around me I froze as I saw that PineClaw's back was arched and looking over into the border of WindClan and hissed. Then I noticed it. A pile of fur and bones laid there and it reeked of WindClan. I came up to him.

"WindClan stole prey!" He hissed as he looked at the other cats.

Then I saw the bushes shake and cats came out.

"What's with the hissing?" They asked as their fur fluffed out as we gave them dirty stares.

"Oh I don't know why don't you check this out for yourself prey stealers!" He yowled at the WindClan cats as there fur bristled in anger. Then one of the cats spotted me. "I've never seen him around here. I'm guessing ThunderClan brought another kittypet into the clan?" He said with a smirk. I hissed at his remark. I felt like scratching his eyes out.

He laughed noticing how mad I had gotten. I crouched ready to pounce on this prey stealer. But was held back by LionPelt.

"Ignore them JayPaw they're just a bunch of mouse brains." He said as he stared at the cat that had made the remark. "Lets go. We don't need to cause anymore trouble." He spoke as we all started to leave.

I heard the cats snickering behind us but ignored them as we got closer to camp.

As we headed into camp my paws felt like falling off.

"You guys should go rest. It's been a exhausting day." LionPelt said as we nodded in agreement. We headed to the apprentice den as I heard PineClaw and LionPelt explain what had happened and heard RedStar hiss when they mentioned WindClan had stole prey. But as I entered the apprentice den I couldn't hear the conversation anymore and laid down on the moss bed. I yawned and started to fall asleep quicker then I thought I would.


Heyyyyyy guysssss. Just so you know.... these books will each go up to around 10 chapters. But just so you know me and my friend Brooke thought of an amazing plan for the next book and can't wait to write it! My friend will more likely not be helping on the book but if we get the chance she will help with a chapter :)

WHELP! Bye!!!!!!

-somehow turns into kitty and starts doing the nea nea as she walks away xD-


Warrior Cats: Alleyways (In Editing/Finishing Character Pg.)Where stories live. Discover now