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It was nice meeting all the guys especially Kian and Sam. I went to talk to Jc. I looked at him and he look really worried. What is he all worried all about? He instantly  grabbed my arm and started to run. We stopped by a big black rock taller than me. We went behind it started to talk.
- JC POV -
I had to tell her...NOW!!! Before its to late. I Instantly grabbed Lexi by the arm and ran. I took her to a big tall black rock. We went behind it.
"L-Lexxxi" I said trying to catch my breath.
"WHAT THE HELLL!!!!! JC" she shouted out.
"I'm sorry but...I have to tell YOU!!!!" I told her.
"TELL ME WHAT!!!" She said.
"Lexi I'm here to warn you!!!" I said.
"ABOUT WHAT!!! YOU GRABBED ME!!! BY THE ARM!!! TO HERE!!!" She screamed at me.
"Look i-im sorry I what to tell you to look out for Kian and Sam....I think you had started the battle..."I said.
"Battle WTF. wait...There fighting for me?!?!?? Oh HELL NO WHAT A Bunch of  Douche bag!!!!
Jc told me everything. The battle. Kian and Sam. JC told me that Kian just uses girls. Then breaks them...Kian felt familiar.I told Jc if it's possible to change him. Jc told me about a girl he really liked but I didn't look like she did and never seen her. Then that he changed he started to date more girls . Jc told me that Sam was the same but more different. Sam sometimes has real feelings for Girls. Jc told me Sam has feelings for me...I was in totally shock so he was flirting with me. I like him but not the way I feel for Kian...what if he is a nice guy...he's only like this for a reason right? Can I change him. I....well....Kian I don't know I just met him. I just better watch out for them I'm glad Jc told me.
   After we finished talking I said thanks and hugged him and kissed his cheek. Then we went back to the party. But I felt like someone was watching us...oh well I might just be hearing stuff.

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