Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Today was my date with Luke. I was freaking out. What should I wear? Was it going to be fancy?

I decided to text him and ask him about what I should wear.

‘Hey Lukie pookie, what should I wear? :))’

He texted back instantly.

‘Wear something cute and not fancy ;)’

I loved how he ended of his text with a winky face, it was flirtatious but not to strange as friends.

Something cute and not fancy?

Well, that wasn’t much help.

If only Jenna was here, she would know exactly what I could wear and she might’ve let me borrow a piece of jewellery from her because she always had the best accessories.

I sighed and went to my white and wooden wardrobe, opening it and searching through piles of clothes until I found the perfect outfit.

It was cute and not to fancy. Perfect!

I decided to go with a floral dress that came mid-thigh with a thing brown belt around the waist, nude flats, messy bun and my gold aviators.

What would he think? Would he think that I dressed like a slut? Maybe he would actually like what I wore.

I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water when my mum spotted me.

“Out to your date, hey?” She asked me.

“Yep,” I replied, popping the ‘p’.

“Be careful,” My mum said.

“Why? Mum, I can trust Luke. He’s not like the other boys,” I said with hurt in my voice.

“Just don’t go back to the old days if you get heartbroken,” My mum pleaded.

“Don’t worry, I will never go back to those days,” I said as I hugged my mum in a warm, friendly hug.

I still remembered those days. It was when I was 15 and I use to change boyfriends like I changed clothes. But, I was so glad that I never let any of them take my virginity.

I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room to watch some T.V to try and calm my nerves. But, it was no use. The butterflies in my stomach were dancing around and I couldn’t help but blush every time I thought about Luke.


“If she texts me about what should she wear, is that a good sign?” I asked Beau who was busy texting someone.

“It means she’s nervous,” He said like it was the easiest answer and then looked at me like I was the dumbest person on earth.

“Is that good?” I asked him nervously.

“Oh, Luke, you have so much to learn,” Beau said whilst walking back to his room.

He was right, I was so new to this whole dating thing.

I sighed and flopped on to the couch. Running my fingers through my hair, I realized that if she was nervous that that would also mean she was excited. I smiled and got back up to get something to wear.

I decided to go with some maroon coloured skinny jeans, a plain white shirt, my light, denim un-buttoned jacket and my white converse.

At 12, I decided to go and get her because it was a lunch date.

As I knocked on the door, I remembered when Jai and I were trying to find her house almost a month ago.

She opened the door and flashed me a nervous smile.

She looked so amazing and I couldn’t help but check her out. She was wearing a floral dress that was the right length and hit all her curves perfectly, paired with some nude flats.

“Hey,” She said.

“Hi,” We stared at each other until she broke the tension.

“Should we go now?” She asked.

“Oh, yeah,” I said holding her hand and walking her to my car.

I was so excited and nervous at the same time for this date.

A/N: crappy chapter! So sorry! How do you think the date is going to go?

The next few chapters are seriously so intense! Especially chapter 10 ;) And yes, i have written up to chapter 10 because im seriosuly so bored out of my socks :((

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P.S do you like dem double chins? :)) <<<<

Love you all xoxo

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