Chapter 29

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Chapter 29



I felt a sharp pain shoot up through my whole body. I woke up and saw that I was sitting in a pool of deep, dark, red blood on the not-so clean bed sheets.

My body trembled with fear as salty tears spilled out of my eyes.

I violently shook Luke and we stared at each other with fear as he picked me up bridal style and drove to the hospital.

His tired eyes looked concerned and nervous.

We walked into the hospital together, hand in hand, nervous as hell.

The nurse assigned me to a small room at the end of the hall where I striped down and got into the sterilized hospital robes.

The doctor soon came in and did lots of examinations on my belly.

Throughout this whole process, the only thing that was going through my mind was: please let my baby be okay.

Luke held tightly on my hand as I nervously chewed on my swollen lips.

The doctor walked solemnly into the room with the test results in his hand.

“We have good news and bad news,” He began. “The good news is that the baby will make it but the bad news is that the delivery has to be earlier than expected. It is your choice if you want to deliver early but if not then the baby will only have a 30% of surviving,”

I nodded my head.

“We’ll deliver early,” I replied.

He nodded his head and asked the nurse to get the delivery process ready.

“Are you sure about this?” Luke questioned.

I nodded my head.

He sighed and leaned back on the armchair that he was resting in.


“It seems like we have to go into emergency C section,” The doctor surveyed.

“What? No? I can push!” I panicked.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Brooks but we have no choice,” The nurse reassuringly said

“Okay okay, just get this damn baby out,” I cried.

They then rushed my aching body into the surgery room where the surgeon made a horizontal incision in my lower abdomen after the epidural was inserted into me. Then the surgeon made another incision in the lower part of my uterus. Next, the amniotic fluid was suctioned out. Finally, the baby was brought into this world where it cried its lungs out. Since I was still partially awake, the sound of the baby brought tears to my ears.

“It’s a girl!” The surgeon happily announced.

Luke squeezed my hand as the umbilical cord was cut and then the baby was brought to my face.

I smiled happily but then a strange feeling enveloped me. It was like I was being transported to another world.

My eyelids felt heavy as they closed and my breathing turned short and urgent.

“What’s going on?” I heard Luke cry out.

“Don’t worry, Luke,” I mumbled softly.

He reached out to cup my face as his warm, salty tears landed on me.

“I’m going to a better place,” I said as my whole body become numb and then I took my last breath.



“PEN! PENNY!” I cried out to her as the nurses dragged me out of the operating room.

My body shook as my numb body collapsed to the ground.

I cried out her name, hoping that she would cradle me in her soft, arms but all I got was cold hands placing me onto a stretcher bed.

Tears spilled out of my eyes as the thought of her dead sunk into me.

I lost her once and I couldn’t believe that I had just lost her all over again.

“She’s in a better place,” One of the nurses said in a calming voice.

She’s in a better place.

A place where I should be as well.

I needed her in my life.

It was now or never.


I ripped the water dripper out of me as my trembling hands reached for the oxycontin that was resting on the bedside table.

I wrapped the oxycontin into a piece of tissue paper as I got the bottom of the glass cup and slowly smashed it up with unsteady hands.

I unwrapped the piece of paper and filled a glass with water. I placed the drugs into my mouth before taking a big gulp of water.

The effects were immediate.

My breathing became slowed and difficult, my heart rate lowered drastically, my skin became cold and clammy, my muscles felt weak, and I was extremely fatigued.

I lay on that hospital bed as my hands clutched onto the glass cup that soon smashed because of my tight grip.

Soon, my eyelids closed shut and my eyes rolled back into my head.

I was at peace at last.



My hands carried a heavy tray full of food as I walked into the room at the end of the hall and opened the door.

I froze.

My hands let go of the tray as it came crashing down to the floor.

My hands went up to cover my mouth as I scream erupted.

I cried as I ran to the reception.

“He’s dead!” I cried as my body shook with tears erupting from my eyes.

The doctor followed me into the room as more tears came out from my eyes.

The doctor walked over to Luke and a small tear slipped out from his eyes.

On Luke’s chest was a crinkled piece of paper with a poem written on it.

The room at the end of the hall

The one I loved,

The one I missed,

The one I needed,

The one I craved,

The one that God came down to

Take her away.



More tears spilled out of my eyes as I stuffed my poem into my pocket and walked into the nursery room where the baby was laying down, peacefully asleep.

I carefully folded up the letter as I tucked it into her hospital band.

I then carefully took Luke’s medic band and linked it with Penelope’s medic band.

Forever and always.


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