Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

I was always so nervous around Luke after I found out that he actually loved me. I wasn’t ready to be in a relationship. Not yet.

Today he was coming over to my house. I was super nervous and a small part of me didn’t want him to come over. Mainly because I didn’t want him to say that he loved me when I wasn’t ready.

I heard a knock on the door and wiped my sweaty palms on my sweatpants before opening the door. I decided to wear something lazy today because he always say me in a sweat and sweats or my pyjamas.

“Hey,” I heard him say airily.

He pulled me into a hug before I could greet him and kissed the top of my head. This small gesture made my whole body tense up.

“Come in,” I smiled at him before closing the door.

He walked inside and went to go and sit on the sofa.

“What do you want to do today?” I asked him while leaning at the doorframe to the living room.

“Watch movies?” He suggested.

I nodded my head and went to get a few movie suggestions.

I noticed him watching my every move and suddenly felt extremely self-conscious about myself.

“Let’s watch The Hunger Games!” I suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

I sat down next to him and he instantly brought me closer and cuddled up to me.

He placed small kisses along my jaw line before nibbling slightly on my ear. He then pushed me onto my back so that I was looking into his light, brown, almost green eyes that were full of lust. His lips brushed against mine softly before smashing his lips right onto mine and kissing me passionately. He licked my bottom lip for entrance to my mouth and then our tongues were exploring each other’s mouth. I felt his hands slowly bringing my sweater up.

“No-not yet,” I said before quickly slipping out from underneath him and moving away.

“Why?” He asked with hurt in his voice.

“I’m just- just not ready yet, Luke,” I said nervously.

“But- but I really like you,” He said, running his hands through his hair.

I sighed.

“I may even just love you,” He said quietly.

“But- the thing is-“ I began before getting cut off.

“You don’t like me do you?” Luke said raising his voice. “Why did I even fucking other with you?”

“Luke, I’m just-“ He cut me off one again.

“Don’t you dare say my name!” He hissed. “Don’t you dare ever come near me again,”

I watched him get up and leave, slamming the door shut behind him.

I winced at the noise that the door made before letting a tear roll down my face.

After that one tear, I couldn’t help myself but let a whole stream of tears roll down my cheeks.

I went up to my room and took Luke’s penola jacket that was hanging from my vanity chair and snuggled up to it in bed.

“Why did I have to let you go,” I mumbled into the jacket.

I heard some footsteps come into my room and looked up to see my dad.

“You did the right thing, Penny,” He said, smiling at me apologetically.


The truth was, this was all his fault. He was the one that made me break up with Luke. He said that he didn’t want me getting heartbroken and hurt again but Luke was the one that was going to be heartbroken.

I just wanted my real dad that was there before Jenna died. This man standing at the door was just a monster. My real dad was somewhere deep, down inside that monster.


“No-not yet,” She said before quickly slipping out from underneath me and moving away.

“Why?” I asked with hurt in my voice. I thought this was the perfect time.

“I’m just- just not ready yet, Luke,” She said nervously.

I understood that she wasn’t ready yet but I knew that there had to be another reason besides that she wasn’t ready.

“But- but I really like you,” I said, running my hands through my hair.

She sighed.

“I may even just love you,” I said quietly.

“But- the thing is-“ She began before I cut off.

“You don’t like me do you?” I said raising his voice. “Why did I even fucking other with you?”

I was so angry right now. After all that I have done for her, I had to found out that she was just using me. She was just using me like I was nothing. I was probably just a toy for her to play with until she got bored.

“Luke, I’m just-“ I cut her off one again.

“Don’t you dare say my name!” I hissed. “Don’t you dare ever come near me again,”

I got up and left her house, making sure that I slammed the door behind me.

I felt tears starting to roll down my face even though I tried my hardest to stop them from falling but they kept on falling until they splashed onto the pavement.

Once I got home, I went straight for Jai and I’s room and crawled underneath the covers.

I didn’t want to love her anymore though but the fact that we had just broken up wasn’t fully registered through my brain.

I tried to get a thought out of my mind but as much as I tried, it just wouldn’t leave me alone.

And that thought was that I still loved her.

A/N: Intense and long chapter! Oh well! In the next chapter I’m planning to speed up time to three months ahead so that it gets more interesting.

I had the wierdest dream last night.... I had a dream that Luke, Jai, Beau and i were on a tour in this big bus when we crashed and i saw all of Luke's guts spill out. It was really gross... :((

Also, i recently started writing a new story called 'Pinkie Promise'. It's not a fanfic but its still in the romance category and i would love it if you guys checked it out and voted on it :))

Anyway, please vote, comment and follow!

Love you all xoxox

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