Chapter 6

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I ran through the streets of town, trying to remember the way back to the orphanage. I had no idea where I was. Every alley and corner looked the same as the last offering no help whatsoever. I couldn't be too far away, could I?

There seemed to be no homeless people on the streets which was extremely odd. No cars drove by and no people roamed around. The only noise I could hear was a dog barking in the distance.

I sat down on the side of the street for a break. I was exhausted and hungry with nothing to eat and no bed to go to. So in other words I was screwed.  

I let my head fall back onto the brick wall that supported by back. I tried not to think about my crappy excuse for a life but it was hard. My head swam with images of every bad experience that has occurred in my short lifetime.

I was so exhausted it was hard to stay awake. Maybe I should let myself fall asleep right here. maybe I should stay here not moving until someone kills me or I die of dehydration.


My eyes shot open and I shook my head. I cant think this way. I need to remember the rule.

After my first suicide attempt I made a rule for myself, I called it the rule of death. The rule states that I can only try to kill myself on the same day every year. The day my parents died: the 15th of June. I can only try once a year because I continue to give life a chance. I leave a year in between to see if anything will change in a good way to make life better.

So far the rule hasn't helped but its the only thing I can hold onto to keep me sane. Sitting here waiting to die is a form of suicide and I'm not breaking my rule now.

I pushed myself to my feet and a wave of dizziness crashed through me. I stumbled two steps before having to hold onto the wall for balance. My head swam and I suddenly felt queasy.

So. Tired.

My eyes drooped and I felt my knees give out from underneath me. I hit the ground and my vision when black.


When I woke I was slumped in a seat with the feeling that I was moving. I opened my eyes to see a window with buildings and cars blurring past.

I was in a car. I instantly remembered the last time I was in a car with the rapist with the scar on his face.

Oh no. Did he find me...? 

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