Chapter 4

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I was in the hospital for two months before I could go back to the orphanage and I can't believe this but I was happy to go back. Ok maybe not happy, more relieved to get out of the prison known as the "Town Hospital." great name huh? Real original.

I was picked up in an old grey car that looked like it should belong in a dumpster. The guy driving was in his late fifty's with a bald head and a grey handlebar mustache; Bob Waters the owner of the orphanage. Bob was the only one since my parents died that was friendly to me, but he wasn't looking to happy now.

"Hey Bob" I said while getting into the passenger seat. I tried to sound cheerful but it didn't work to well.

"How many goddamn times are you going to try the same shit? I don't know what else I can do for you Leyla. You have to help me here. The orphanage may get shut down if you continue this." he said.

He had to rub it in, didn't he. "I don't want the place shut down but I wont stop trying to die and you cant stop me."

He ignored me and drove us out the parking lot. We went through the run-down town I've had to call home for five years. There were homeless and beggars on the side of every road, a few I actually knew from when they were in the orphanage but got to old to stay and were kicked out to the streets. 

We were quiet for about ten minutes until I had enough and wanted to say something but someone else beat me to it. A homeless man jumped in front of the car and stood there while Bob slammed on the brakes.

"Give me the girl" was all he said before pulling a gun out of his jacket.

"Oh my god" Bob whispered.

What the fuck did this creep want? The guy pointed the gun at the car and pulled the trigger, smashing the front window. He then sent three more bullets flying our way, finding home in Bob's chest killing him instantly. I screamed as Bob's eyes fell back in his head and his arms fell of the steering wheel.

I looked back at the man who was laughing hysterically and had anger cloud my eyes. No matter how much I wanted to die it wasn't going to be like this, shot by a crazed hobo. I opened my door and ran as fast as I ever have, down the road. The guy wouldn't be able to catch me he was probably to dizzy on drugs to get far. I was wrong.

Arms came around me and we both fell to the ground. I tried to scramble away but he was too strong. He turned me over to face him and I forced myself to make note of his features in case he ran away. He had scruffy brown hair, a huge aggravated scar down his cheek and black eyes. 

"Don't worry, pretty, I wont kill you yet. We're gonna have some fun first."

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