She's okay

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"What the hell is going on here?" He shouted, a look of fear upon his face.

"Gerald Zest!" Said one of the policeman.

"Yes!" He said.

Neesa and I stared as they put Zest under arrest. The Ambulance started to drive off with Jayce and Alli's mum in the back right by her side.

The police called mum, then gave me and Neesa a lift home and waited with us until she got home.

Mum had a big long talk with us about how dangerous what we did was.

"It was for Alli!" Neesa would say, repeatedly.

"I know," Mum would say each time. "And I respect that, but you two could of gotten hurt, or wor-"

"But we didn't" I interrupted. "Isn't that the most important thing?"

She looked at me as if to say, "well you're right but i probably shouldn't tell you that because you'll get a big head."

She was right, but I wasn't going to tell her that.

"Promise me you will never do anything like that again!" Stated mum.

"Promise!" I said.

"Me too!" Said Neesa.

Mum hugged us both and then went and made us hot chocolate.

A couple of hours later mum got a call from, Alli's mum.

"Oh thank goodness!" Mum sighed. "That's wonderful!"

Mum hung up the phone.

"Girls," She started. "Alli is going to be okay!"

Neesa and I jumped around in excitement.

"Can we see her?" I asked.

"Go get in the car!" She said.

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