Hello! I was lucky enough to get a somewhat cheap screen repair so I can continue at the speed I want to.
~Autumn's POV~
Today was the day, after 2 boring weeks of procrastinating The Pack finally had found a house big enough for all of us in LA. I was already unpacking in my new bedroom, it was quite big compared to the room in my apartment, the walls were coated in mint green paint and the floor was a squishy carpet. My closet was a spacious walk-in, lined with built in shelves and racks for my clothes, but I was sure I won't fill the closet fully. The room had it's own bathroom, which was a very modern and sleek, and luckily I don't have to share!
I could hear things being placed down in the room next to mine, Preston's room. The walls were quite thin, recording will definitely be a hassle since some of our mics pick up background noise. Across the hall was Jerome's room, which had a picture of a bacca taped to the door already, to the right of his room was Mitch's room, the biggest bedroom out of all of The Pack. Lachlan and Rob's rooms were in another corridor across the open stairway area. I wish Vikk moved in with us, he seems to be the more normal acting one out of all of us.
Lachlan and Jerome had both agreed to go get us all some Taco Bell while the rest of us set up our minimal furniture in the other rooms. It was originally going to just be Lachlan going, but Jerome begged so he could procrastinate and probably steal some of the food for himself.
"Someone help me move this please!" I huffed trying to center the couch in what was going to be the gaming room.
A jolt of movement sent the couch sliding a bit, I looked beside me with a surprised expression to see Preston.
'Damn he's pretty strong...'
He gave me a grin revealing his pearly white teeth, before going back to setting up the TV with Mitch. I watched him strut off, absentmindedly shaking his hips a bit but then stopped to shoot a glance over his shoulder. He chuckled with a playful smirk and then got to work hooking up cables. Blush found it's way to my face as I averted my gaze back to the couch, correcting it's position so it wouldn't be crooked.
~Preston's POV~
Her eyes were burning into my back as I walked away, was she staring at my ass? I looked over my shoulder to check, just to see Autumn's gray orbs trail up to my brown ones. I couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh before turning to help Mitch.
After a while of work, we all sat on the couch and armchairs to take a break, observing the almost finished gaming room. Lachlan and Jerome had returned a few minutes ago with loads of food for us, so we ate and chattered among ourselves, discussing video ideas and upcoming events. But as the everyone talked I found my attention being drawn to look at Autumn. She was laughing at something Lachlan had told her, blush was visible on her cheeks. I couldn't help but clench my jaw in envy, that silly feeling was rising in me again, but why?
I only met her a few weeks ago, could I really already be falling for this girl? Autumn glanced at me raising an eyebrow, I sent her an awkward grin and looked away.
~Autumn's POV~
"So you and Preston huh?" Lachlan wiggled his eyebrows at me.
A giggle escaped my lips while I rolled my eyes, but heat was definitely rising to my face. "I don't know what you're talking about..." I shook my head, peering over at the brunette boy, surprised to see him already staring directly at me, seeming to be lost in thought. It took him a few seconds to realize that he'd been staring, he quickly sent me a small smile and turned away, engaging into conversation with Jerome and Mitch.
Lachlan nudged my arm, "Don't think that I didn't see that look, because I did." He teased, taking a sip of his pop.
I groaned, rubbing my face in embarrassment, "Shut up."
Lachlan let out a laugh, "I think he likes you too, I wouldn't be worried." He patted my head before getting up and leaving me alone.
My gaze cautiously watched Preston, observing him in wonder. The butterflies were hitting the walls of my tummy as I stared at him as if I were in a trance, although maybe I was. He was cracking jokes with the guys, making his wonderful laugh echo around the room. The boy was beaming with laughter, showing off those perfect teeth again. The corners of my mouth lifting into a grin, what can I say, his smile is contagious.
But all I could wonder to myself was...
'Oh man, what have I gotten myself into?'
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My Little Cactus Jones ~ TBNRfrags/PrestonPlayz
Fiksi PenggemarAutumn Dremier is an average youtuber who loves to play video games. When she hears her YouTube crush, TBNRfrags or PrestonPlayz, is going to Minecon, she immediately makes plans to go too. Will they bump into each other at Minecon? Or will Preston...