5 1 2

Cat adjust the camera, before going going behind the counter,
Only for Lazy to knock it over.
Cat resets it up before heading back once again.

Alright and today we're doing...

Nothing too hard!
But we'll it is a little more likely to injuries.
So before we begin I'd like to once again ask all of you to be very careful when handling knives,
And a little tip with the oil.
Slowly slide the ingredients in.
Do not just dump it.
It will splatter everywhere, and it isn't all that easy to clean either.

Now onto the recipe!

You're gonna want some good ol' potatoes!
About 3 medium sized potatoes,
But if your making for the family I suggest about 9 medium potatoes, I usually grab enough to fill a tray.

Now I use a wok for deep frying my stuff.
A quick note, it is better to use a wok or a deep cast iron skillet when deep frying your stuff, and if possible deep fry your things outdoors, or be prepared to properly clean your stove.
Now if you have neither of these you could just use a medium/large pot, but I've never tried this so I wouldn't know how this would end.

You're also going to need sunflower oil,

A vegetable peeler,

A Cutting board,

A metal spider Strainer or metal tongs,

Paper towels,

And salt/ chicken salt/ whatever salt you like.

That's it for the ingredients.

Now your going to want take your sunflower oil, and you're going to need enough of it to cover the chips, so  fill your pot till it's about 1/3 oil.

Now to peel the potatoes, just grab a peeler and drag it across the potatoes, if you don't have a peeler you could just use a knife, but remember you're peeling not chopping the edible bits.
Next you're going to want to wash your potatoes and from there it's time to cut'em up.
Now lay your potato on your cut board and just cut it in half.
The take a half half and lay it on the board your just going to want to cut this potatoes into chips size.
For that you ganze want your chips to have about the width and height of your finger.

I don't know how to better explain this. Just cut you potatoes into chips.

Now chuck your fries into a bowl.
Now if you are using regular salt you going to want to sprinkle some of that onto your chips, and just toss your chips around. Don't over-salt them it better if they're u desalted then over salted because you can just sprinkle some more salt after frying.

Now that you chips are salted now it's time to fry, if you are doing a large batch you may want to split your potatoes into two separate batches and fry each batch separately.

You're then going to want to put you're wok/ skillet/ pot on the stove and turn your stove on high.
You can't test if you're oil is ready by placing a single ship in the oil and seeing if it bubbling, if it bubbles it's ready. If not then your oil is still cold and still needs some time.

Once your oil is ready, if you're using a wok just slide the chips into the oil from the edges.
If you're using some other means of frying,
I'd suggest putting the chips in a spider strainer or grabbing them with tongs and slowly putting them in oil.
Leave your chips to fry, it should take about 15-30 minutes, keep an eye on it, you'll know it's ready once they are golden.

Prepare a bowl or plate and place a paper towel or two (by doing this any excess oil will be o sorted into the towel meaning your chips won't be soggy).

Now remove the chips using your spider strainer or tongs and placing them in the bowl.

If you still have a second batch simply repeat this process.

And now your chips are ready!

If you feel you still need some more salt just add to taste!

No point in chips without a dip,
LazyCat's Cocktail Sauce!

You're going to need some two spoons of mayonnaise,
A spoon of tomato sauce,
Half a spoon of bbq sauce,
About 3 dots of mustard,
And lasts some chilli sauce.

You're just going to put that all in a tiny shallow plate and mix.
Feel free to add some salt,
I recently got Nandos Garlic and herb mix and it tastes amazing with this mix,
If you got pickled jalapeños, adding some of it's water in the sauce is really good too,
Some lemon is also great.
If you want use this for a salad mix add some lemon juice and honey, but cut out the bbq sauce-

Anyways I'd love to hear what ever you guys add to this, anyways hope you'll enjoy the chips.
Now for the next dish,
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Anyways that's all from me!

This Is Lazy Cat Out!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2024 ⏰

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