Chapter three

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I scurried back to the ladies bathroom on the second floor with hijacked vodka, stolen salt and a stray cotton napkin courtesy of the kitchen. Pushing open the more than familiar door I was confronted with a half naked stranger. The brown haired, green eyed hunk stood with only his black tie around his neck, his black mask on and his suit trousers. His suit jacket hung on a nearby stall. Holding the half white half pink shirt up in front of his eyes he examined the stains.
"That was quick," he commented seeing me in the long thick mirror that was on the White tilled wall. His chest was duff, defined and tanned; I practically had to peal my eyes away from it. Grace don't stare he'll think you're a weirdo. You pleaded to yourself.
"I know where to get my supplies," I smiled before walking over to him.
He looked at me with a puzzled look before saying "why vodka?"
"A little helps to get the stain out. And as for the rest well doesn't hurt to drink a little," he chuckled at your statement. "Here pass it here," I added taking the shirt from him.
Laying it flat on the cold stone wash top counter I smoothed it before unscrewing the red top from the bottle of vodka. I bunched up the napkin before placing it tightly against the top of the bottle before tipping it upside down. Bottle right way up and napkin slightly damp with vodka I got to work dabbing the stain. Watching and waiting patiently behind me was the possessor of the shirt who I'd come to think was around my age. He watch intently as I placed some salt top of the stain and the rubbed on that with the napkin. It was beginning to work, thankfully.
"Where did you learn this?" He asked after a minute or so of silence.
"Just picked it up along the way some how. Once again I'm so sorry," I replied trying with all my willpower not to just look at him.
"Must come in handy. I mean it's a way to meet guys and get them drunk," he winked. Did he seriously just wink at me? God this was like the start of a cheesy rom-com.
Slightly baffled as to what to reply I said "It's my tactic you see. Get them to take their shirt off and give them vodka, wins every time," my tone was sarcastic. You could tell I didn't get heaps of male attention I was friends with Leo and Jay but other than that I'd had little to no practice talking to the opposite sex.
"Naked and drunk isn't that the aim?" He replied jokingly making you both chuckle. Plump lips pressed into a smile his piercing eyes followed the movement of my hands as I placed the shirt under the 'hot' faucets. Rubbing the shirt one last time between my palms I lifted it up to see an almost pearly white shirt. Relief washed over my body, it simply wasn't expectable to fashion a stain at an event like this.
"As good as new...well nearly," I said cheerily.
"You're my saviour," he replied pulling a damsel-in-distress pose. I shook my head playfully at his mocking attitude.
The sound of the hand dryer echoed off the white walls, drying the shirt with its hot air. After a surprisingly quick trip under the dryer, around a minute, it was ready.
I handed the boy his shirt before grabbing his suit jacket, which I was almost to small to reach, from the stall door where it hung. White buttons done up I gave him his jacket. Sliding it on right arm first then left I realised there was something odd about him. It was something mysterious. Whether it was in his eyes, his manner or his presents I couldn't quite pin point it.
I felt an overwhelming urge to know more about him. He began to fix his tie and collar in the long mirror with his large hands, smithing and brushing it so it was just right. With out thinking I rubbed his shirt to get the slight creases out before buttoning up one of his black suit jacket buttons to hide where the stain had been. Grace you can't just fondle a stranger!
Pulling back quickly I realised he hadn't even flinched at my movements. "How do I look?" He said turn to his right slightly to face me. Truth be told in the suit he looked drop dead gorgeous... but you can't exactly say that to a random. He looked power full, enticing and elegant.
"Dashing," I replied. I smiled my best smile before subtly making sure I looked decent in the mirror. My teal dress hung to my petit figure bringing out the blue tones in my mostly grey-ish eyes, while my golden hair fell down my back. "Oh, wait one thing," I remembered. Opening the little white cupboard under the faucets I pulled out an 'apple and while oak' air freshener.
"We can't have you walking in there smelling like a brewery. Now, spin," I instructed. As he spun in rather dangly little circle I pressed on the light green button of the bottle. The sweet fragranced disputed into the air and onto him. "Okay, let's go," I announced.
Placing the bottle back in the cupboard I tussled my hair one for good measure before striding out of the bathroom.
Leaving the object I had inquired earlier there and the sign outside the door.
As soon as we reached the top of the grand staircase the buzz of chatter filled my ears. People in elegant clothing filled the floor; dancing, laughing and drinking.
"Thank you so much for helping," the boy said from behind me as we defended the stairs.
"It's the least I could do. It was my fault that you were all punched up," I replied.
"I'm...," he began before getting cut off by an very pissed off looking Hailey.
"You say you're going to get punch and I don't hear from you for half an hour. No ones seen you and now I find you coming down the stares with a random guy," Hailey said with her hands on her hips. "I'm sorry I'm sure you're lovely," she added to the boy who looked rather taken back by Hailey's abrupt nature.
"I'll explain," I replied.
"Oh, you better explain. I've just had a fifteen minuet conversation with Mrs Vert. She's trying to set me up with her 14-year-old grandson," she said extremely annoyed. Usually I was Hailey's back up woman in those situations as all the families here wanted there offspring to marry into 'the right sort of people.'
"Gerald?" I questioned remembering that she's tried to once before.
"Yes, Gerald," she said. Biting my lip to stop myself from laughing Hailey continued. "Anyway, your mothers been looking for you we need to go," she grabbed my arm."She'll see you around," she added to the handsome stranger as I become submerged into the crowd. Looking back I could no longer see his face. I guess that was the end of that.

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