Chapter two

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After walking around the house for the third time I decided to take refuge on one of the many thrown like chairs around the building. Everything looked breathtaking. From the the golden chandelier to the crystal bowl that the punch was in; everything meticulously pick and placed. The shinning marble floor made me feel elegant in my teal gown, which I'd previously felt like a tit in. Taking a deep breath (what was rather difficult thanks to my corset) I let my eyes wonder around the room. I was dreading all the mind numbing conversations that I would be compelled to partake in in the up and coming hours. The only bonus was there would be more people than just Hailey who was my age here. Usually it was just me and her sneaking away with a bottle of champagne into the kitchen.
"Grace, darling, come and great the guests they are about to arrive," my mother said from the doorway to my left. She looked as elegant as ever yet like a woman you shouldn't mess with.
The noise of my heals on the marble floor was rather satisfying as I made my way to the front door where my brother, father and Hailey's family were all waiting to great the first guests.
Half an hour later and more than two hundred people, all dressed in extravagant clothing, has passed through the doors. The parents had gone off the mingle with the guests while Hailey, Milo and I had been left on door duty.
"How many people did they invite?" Milo groaned. His blonde hair was perfectly quaffed and his suit fitted him exactly, he looked dashing considering he usually walked round the house in track suits he scrubbed up well.
"Lord knows. Shall we just get one of the waiters to greet the guests?" Hailey suggested. I could almost feel excitement being exerted from her body, she was itching to wonder around.
"Please," I exaggerated moving my mask back into place of my face. It was sliver wire and very lightweight, it was gorgeous but it didn't half like to slip of my face - do you think you can get face glue?
Milo was on waiter duty while Hailey and I ventured into the crown of masked people. I barely knew any of dads colleagues anyway, with the mask on I didn't recognise a single person.
"Grace, Hailey," a lady fashioning a cream ballgown that resembled a meringue called, beaconing us over. "You girls look lovely," she added.
"Thank you," we said synchronously.
"What a splendid job you've all done in organising this. Honestly is the most extraordinary event I've been to in years!" She almost chuckled with glee. "There is someone I want you both to meet. Oh, where has that boy got to?" She pursed her red lips together. "I'm sure I'll find him later and then I'll introduce you," she smiled kindly. Nodding her head slightly me and Hailey realised that was the signal for us to leave. With a quick thank you we diver once again into the ever growing crowd of people.
"Any clue who that was?" I questioned to Hailey.
"Haven't got the foggiest," she replied. Being small we managed to slip and slide our way through the herd of people to the thrown chair on the outskirts of the main hall. "Fancy getting us some punch? These heels are a nightmare," Hailey said groaning. I could tell she was having to stop herself from massaging her feet right there and then. But as we were both aware that would not have been appropriate behaviour.
"Sure thing, I'll be right back," I replied. The sea of guests were split into little sub groups of conversation. Moving past each one you got a snippet of their words. Being nosey as I was I always try to see if I can guess what they are talking about from what I hear. You never get a definite answer but it keeps you occupied.
Picking up two glasses from the left side of the table I waited behind a man in a navy suit as he filled up his glass from the crystal bowl. He looked like more of a scotch filled decanter kind of man but never the less I proceeded to fill the two glasses making sure to get some ice. Turning to my left swiftly my glass filled hands were smashed into something solid and hard. Pink liquid flying and sloshing everywhere I realised the hard thing had been a man.
"Shit," I murmured. My eyes were inline with his shirt covered chest. His previously white shirt now pebbles-dashed with bright pink punch. "I'm so so sorry," I blurted out patting his chest trying to mop up some of the liquid with my hands. Christ Grace he probably thinks you're a right weirdo stop touching him!
I heard the man give out a low chuckle before saying. "It's alright don't worry about it," his voice was low and rouged but sounded that of a teen not a fully grown man.
Slightly anxious to look up I responded.
"Let me help you clean up, you can't go around looking like this. I'm so sorry once again." As my eyes neared his face I could see a chiseled jaw bone, with phenomenal cheek bones, plump lips and piercing green eyes made even more prominent by his black mask. My jaw nearly plummeted through the floor.
"Honestly it's fine, I think pink's my colour," he joked running a hand through his brown curly locks.
Chuckling I responded "it doesn't bring out your tie," which I instantly regretted. It brings out your tie? What the hell! He chuckled. Thank god.
"I mean, I have an idea of how to get the stain out. Follow me," I added
Grabbing his wrist I pulled the handsome stranger through the crowd. Thankfully no one had questioned the stain down his front but we had got a few strange looks. Striding along a long corridor, which was all to familiar to me from the countless events that had been held here, I abruptly turned left into the ladies. Grabbing the yellow 'KEEP OUT' which was kept behind the door I placed it outside before venturing, with the boy, inside.
"You know this is the ladies right?" He questioned towering over me.
"Yes, urinals creep me out," you responded. How to keep it cool Grace. The boy smiled a perfect smile before laughing.
"So what's this you know about stain removing then?" He questioned raising and eyebrow. Your heart fluttered slightly as you tried to process his words.
"I'm gonna need salt, a cloth, some vodka and ten minutes," you responded.

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