Chapter seven

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It was now half past eight the following morning and I was currently in Milo's car. The party had finished at 2 in the morning and I'd spent the five or so hours after that cleaning Leo's house top to tail, it was now sparkling. I was running on 45 minuets of sleep and frankly felt like utter death.
"So, how did the party go?" Milo asked.
To be honest most of the party was blur and all merged into one big mess of looking after people. I didn't really want him to know about all the crazy stuff that went on in the party because he never left me go again.
"Good, it was good," I replied wearily.
"Anything interesting happen?" He added.
"Well, I found out that Milly is dating three boys at the same time. Dave likes his best mates girlfriend and they slept together. Josh lost his virginity. Leo has a hot cousin called Seb. Hailey thinks you're hot and Jasper was kissing a guy," I blurred out. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't it was like a string of words being forced out of my mouth by something. Slapping my hands over my mouth I stared wide-eyed at him.
"Jeez, you're only meant to give me an overview," Milo laughed. "As for Jasper, I would say make him jealous tonight but I have a feeling that isn't going to work,"
I didn't know what to reply to Milo after my blind honesty I felt exhausted and frankly was beginning to see random patters on the road like I'd seen before at the ball. I was drained physically and mentally.
"I need to sleep. Can you cover for me with mom and dad?" I asked
"Sure thing," he smiled. Sometimes I hated having a brother but in all honesty it was rather nice.
Seven more hours of sleep later and I didn't feel any better. The bags under my eyes were so big they could now carry things. Mom had woken me from my light slumber to make sure I was shower and ready in time to go to the black tie ball this evening. In all truth I was dreading it. It was basically a fundraiser for the business and a chance to meet new investors so there would be hardly any people my age there; compared to the masquerade. After a long night of picking up bottles and cans I really didn't want to spend this one talking to people. Especially since I still hadn't spoken to Jasper after last night. I'd just left him and hadn't seen him since he was locking lips with Liam. He hadn't text or rung me or anything of the sort. Maybe he was just a jerk. I know he was going to be there tonight and I was unsure if I should confront him. I mean how do you go about asking someone if they are gay and if they've come out? It's not an easy conversation starter. With any luck Hailey would be there to help me figure this out. That's if her hangover had worn off.
We'd just have to wait and see what the night held in store.
"Stop fidgeting with your dress, you look lovely," Mom whispered in my ear ad we stepped out of the car.
I wore a tight long black Valentino dress. It was elegant, slightly revealing and completely not my style. It was gorgeous but not at all something I would have chosen purely because it highlighted so much of my body. But, appealingly, it was a 'mature' event, meaning that I was going to be used as a pawn in their game of business chess. Flaunted in front of some investors sons as if I was an object. It was completely out of order and I knew that but it was the way that this upperclass transactions worked. Milo would have to flirt with some girls ask them to dance and woo them. It was the same old same old.
"Tonight, call me if you need me," Milo whispered in my ear before we walked into the house. He nodded after his sentence. I knew what he meant. If a situation got out of hand or I felt uncomfortable (not that it ever had happened) Milo would be there as soon as I called. He was a rather protective brother which, in these situations, was very helpful.
The house was very similar to the one that we had the masquerade ball in. It was grand, huge and exquisitely decorated. The only difference between this house was that it was extremely black and white. Every picture, every decoration, every tile was black, white or both. The air also held the sent of fresh red roses mixed with something else which I couldn't quite place.
The event was already packed when we arrived. The boss Mr Johnson, had agreed to meet the first guests so we didn't haven't to and seeing as my snooze made us half an hour late it was a good thing too.
Walking down the wooden carved banister I could see over the whole crowd of people gathered in the main hall bellow. Mirrors reflected light which the chandeliers emitted, illuminating the whole room. It all looked so magic and wonderful; like something out of The Great Gatsby. It truly look like a page of a book.
I spotted Hailey's iconic French braided hair in the crowd bellow. She was currently flirting with some guy, smile and giggling as always.
I smirked to myself as I walked into the floor of the hall.
"Grace!" A voice called. Turning swiftly to my left there was the lady from the masquerade party whom Hailey and I still didn't know.
"Hello," I smiled to her as she made her way towards me. Her features seamed familliar but it was probably from seeing her at the last event.
"I want you to meet my grandson.
I couldn't find him the other evening," she smiled taking me arm in her. "I have a feeling you two will get on," she smiled at me.
"Okay," I said cheerily, "Your hair looks wonderful may I say?"
"Oh, thank you my dear," she said looking rather delighted. Who ever she was, she was an incredibly nice lady.
We made our way past the suits and evening gowns and faces of strangers until I felt her slow down. She out stretched her freshly manicured hand and tapped a tall man in a suit on his right shoulder.
"Sebastian," she called. The boy turned around. His suit, tie and shirt were all black and he looked dashing.
Only when he began to speak did it hit me that I knew him. "Grandma," he smiled giving her a hug. His green eyes locked on me and his strong jaw sharper than ever.
"Sebastian, I would like you to meet Grace," she paused. "Mr Kings daughter," she added.
"A pleasure to meet you," he said taking my right hand into his and kissing it lightly.
"How do you do?" I asked politely. My heart was beating heavily in my chest and I couldn't quite distinguish if the feeling it my stomach was butterfly's or vomit. 
"I will leave you two to get aquatinted. Sebastian, she's a darling, don't go scaring her off," the lady said.
"I will try my best not to Grandma," he chuckled to himself.
We both stood in silence for a few seconds watching her walk away before we caught each others gaze once again.
"'re Leo's cousin aren't you?" I asked puzzled. I'd meet so many people last night it was rather a blur but his face stood out to me.
"Yeah. You're Leo's friend right?" He replied.
"Yep, that's me,"
"How's your friend? You know the one with the emergency ex-boyfriend situation," He asked.
"I think the hangover has worn off now and we manage to peeled him off onto one of his friends," we chuckled. "Did you enjoy the party?" I asked. I didn't know what to ask him or where to begin. I was entranced by him and the tension that seamed to be filling my chest.
"It was good. Hectic, I meet a bunch of people,"
"Yeah, Leo really wanted to show you off," I said. Looking up from my hands I caught his eyes again, I hadn't even realised I'd been looking down.
"You look stunning may I say," he started, not taking his eyes off me.
"Thank you. You look very handsome as well," I said in a kind of trance. Something intrigued me about him and I didn't know what it was. I wanted to know so badly what it was. I wanted to know more about him.
"Hey, let me show you something...," he began but got cut off my a Jasper running in between us.
Jasper frantically turned to me, his tie flung over his left shoulder from running. "I need to talk to you," he said grabbing my hand.
"Now?" I asked. Looking at him as if to say 'please don't take me away from this guy. I didn't even get the chance to find out if he's interesting yet.'
"Yes. Now," he said forcefully. His eyes pleaded me to go with him; I knew this was serious.
"Sorry!" I shouted to Sebastian as I got dragged away.
I silently cursed Jasper for pulling me away from Sebastian. This was the second time I hadn't been able to have a full conversation with him.
Being pulled through the bustling crowd of mainly adults we got some funny looks mainly because people would never conduct themselves in the manner that Jasper was conducting himself right now. You could practically see the beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
I hurled out one of the side doors and into the evening air. The door slammed shut behind me locking all the sounds forming from the party behind it. Jaspers breath was hitched and uneven and he sounded like he was going to have a panic attack.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked widening my eyes at him. I wanted some answers.
"What happened last night?" He asked pacing back and fore.
"Excuse me?" I said rather startled. He knew full well what happened. I didn't want to have to repeat it to him.
"Seriously! I don't remember a thing," he said running his hands through his perpetration filled hair. "Please tell me," he added.
Just like that my mouth went into blurting mode and I told him everything that happened. Well, the bits I could remember. I told him ever single detail not because I wanted to but because I couldn't stop myself. I don't know what had gotten into me lately. Usually I would sum things up and skip the bits I thought may hurt people's feeling but nope, not this time.
Suddenly, I snapped out of it blinking rapidly.
"Fuck," he whispered under his breath. "I thought it was a weird dream I was having," he announced. My eyes locked on the floor in front of my feet where a pattern of a rose seamed to be carved into the concrete.
"Does anyone else know about you being gay?" I asked trying to shake the déjà vu of the rose out of my head.
"No, I hadn't even mentioned the possibility to anyone. Ever," he stated. I could see how panicked he was and I understood. This was completely new and scary for him and it was outed in one of the biggest parties of the year, it was going to get spread around.
"You need to figure out what you're gonna do and act soon. But for tonight just chill. People can tell there is something up," I said to him. I'd only known him for around a day or so and I knew something was wrong, his parents must be wondering.
"Yeah. Yeah. You're right. I just need to chill and figure out a good way to tell my fokes," he breathed deeply. "If they haven't already heard," he started to panic again running his hands over the back of his neck.
"Jasper. If they'd have herd something like that they would have spoken to you about it,"
"You're right. Just don't tell anyone okay? Please don't mention it. I don't want it spread around the whole party," he pleaded.
"I won't don't worry. But next time maybe mention it to me before you take me on a date," I joked.
He was right if I even whispered it to someone at this party all of the guests would know with in half an hour. As much as I resented Jasper for kind of screwing me over he couldn't help it. I mean maybe he was checking if he was defiantly gay by going on a date with me? All I knew was I wanted to find Sebastian.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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