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Ok guys, since this story is ah.... Based off true events, I had to take time to actually, you know

HUNT AND GATHER for information on what occurred during the time period. Which is a bit of a task really :/........

Anywhore, I sat down in the middle of the night and thought about the next couple of chapters and the key events happening in each chapter (no matter how small, they ARE important) and wrote out the basic chapter plan up until chapter 15.

I know I'm going to try and write these as fast as I can cuz I really need to get to the point where the actual relationship started (Where I actually remember things quite well)

Trust me, you'll understand when you notice the difference in events, details, and even... Moments that are very embarrassing and just ugh. Let me stop.

That's all I wanted to say so, you get the idea. Chapters are coming, everything's planned out. It's on its way.



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