Although the doctor had advised me to go to bed early, I was still awake. Once again, my eyes were roaming around the dark room, waiting for the rest of the family to return. Although I would never admit it to any of them (I had been complaining about the social season from the start) I was rather sad I could not attend.
That was only because of Sophia though. Something I was never going to admit either. But it is the truth, I was eager to see her in another new dress, dancing around the room, making new friends. Maybe it's better this way, because I already spoiled the night for her once and I did not want to do that to her again.
I turn over to the other side and it finally happens. Multiple sets of feet can be heard entering Bridgerton House and I pay attention closely, trying to figure out what footsteps belong to who. There is some whispering, but it is impossible for me to figure out what is said and so I stay still, hoping for.. well I'm not sure what it is that I'm hoping for.
Two people walk right past my room, and although I cannot make out any words, I can tell that one of them is Hyacinth, which means the other one must be Sophia. Then there's the click of a door. And another one. I sigh, unsure why I couldn't have just fallen asleep hours ago.
After several more minutes of turning, yawning and signing, my eyelids fall close. And then they open right back up, because someone just opened the door to my room. I hear my favourite voice,
"Benedict?" Sophia whispers, "Are you awake?"
I turn towards her and smile, "Yes, I'm awake."
I sit up and she walks in carefully, holding a lit candle. I move over a little as she sets the candle down on the bedstand and considers the empty spot on the bed next to me for a minute before she gives in and sits down, the fabric of her nightgown grazing my skin.
"How are you?" she asks as I pull part of the covers towards her.
"I'm doing better, my headaches are almost all gone. How was the ball?" I ask as I look her way. The candlelight lights up her eyes and they seem to sparkle as she speaks,
"It was wonderful, I was scared that people might shut me out but I was wrong, I had a great time." She smiles.
"Met anyone nice?" I ask grinning,
She nods, avoiding my eye, "yes, I did. His name's Luke and he promised me that we would see each other again next ball."
"That's good" I breathe, "That's really good." This is not good at all. I mean, I wanted her to have a good time but... I mean... What is Luke even for a name? Surely she doesn't think about... marrying him? Right?
"Benedict..." Sophia gives me a concerned look and I rais my eyebrows,
"Sorry, what?"
She laughs, and my heart does a backflip. No idea why it does that.
"I asked when you get off bedrest." she says.
"Three days." I reply with a sigh,
"So you'll miss the queen's ball." She states, and I'm trying to make out whether she thinks that's a good thing or a bad thing.
"Well, don't worry, I'll be thinking about you all night. I'll be thinking about your dress you're going to wear and about all the food you're going to eat and..." I keep on rambling about her and the queen and Hyacinth and unconsciously I do notice that there's a weight on my left shoulder and that it seems to be getting heavier by the second but I do not notice it until..
"... And then you will all return." I finish and look to my side, where Sophia lies fast asleep. Her chest moves up and down in a slow rhythm and her hair has fallen over her face. I tuck it behind her ear gently and inch by inch I lower us onto the mattress, doing everything I can not to wake her.
I know I should nudge her and send her back to her own room. It would be the right thing to do. It would be.. honourable. I mean, if one of the maids caught us like this then she would be ruined. Not that our maids would talk so technically she would be fine but still-
Sophia moves and just like that her head is on my chest and I stop breathing altogether. My hand seems to place itself in her hair and it stays there until I finally, finally fall asleep.

Bridgerton - The Lost Royal
FanfictionSophia Badger always envied those born as elites, attending balls and wearing fancy dresses. She's spent her life trying to get there; from falsifying legal documents to get into finishing school to learning how to sew her own dresses. Still, withou...