It took me some time to recover from the shock. I just stood in the hallway and watched as they took Sophia outside, placing her on one of the horses. Hyacinth raced past me and yelled at them, ordering they let her go and that it was really her who had stolen the booklet.
She had, of course. I knew it, Hyacinth knew it, and Sophia knew it too, yet she confessed to the crime. I hated her for doing so. Yes it was kind towards Hyacinth, and quite brave I might add, but mostly stupid, because with all the crimes she'd already commited, this did not look good.
Once I finally snapped out of shock and was able to move again, I rushed outside, taking one of the horses with me. Sophia and the royal guards were already out of sight, but they were headed to the prison, so that's where I went, at full speed.
The horse and I skidded to a halt in front of the prison and I jumped off, tying the horse to a pole, not so tight as I was in a rush. Surely it wouldn't leave.
I stumble inside, pushing the door open as I go. The guard sitting behind the desk in front of me looks up, frowning. I regain my posture and march over to him, smashing my fist on the table,
"I, Benedict Bridgerton, wish to see Sophia." I demand, keeping my back straight.
The guard frowns more, "There is no Sophia here, sir."
"Miss Badger, then. She only just got here, mere minutes ago I suspect." I explain, my stance growing more panicked instead of steady.
"No one has been checked in here for over three hours sir." he says slowly.
I blink. So either she has yet to get here, which would be slightly impossible since they left minutes before me and the prison is not so far from Bridgerton House, or this man is lying. Quite convincingly I might add.
"I really need to see her." I cross my arms.
The guard gives me a concerned look, "sir, as I just told you-.."
"You are lying to me." I say, "She is here, but you have been ordered not to tell anyone, I understand, especially with the queen being involved and everything, but there has been a grave misunderstanding and I must speak to her. This instant."
"Sir, for the last time-.." The guard begins but I shake my hand and stalk past him, jumping over the gate.
"Hey! Stay right where you are!" He yells after me as I start looking around, trying to find Sophia. I hear more shouting behind me and I pick up my pace, the guard must have asked for assistance. I check prisoner after prisoner, but not one of them looks even remotely like Sophia.
I start running now, she must be all the way in the back, to make sure no one sees her. Yes, that will be it, I think to myself, looking over my shoulder. The guards are close, but not close enough, and I reach the end, my eyes scanning the last, empty, cell. I stop dead, confusion falling over me.
Strong arms grab mine roughly and I'm being thrown out the building, told very sternly to never return. I nod and they go back inside. How is she not there? I saw her leave with the royal guards, they were going to take her to prison, and there is only one prison in town.
I panick, if she is not here in the prison, then where is she? Were they ambushed? Did someone take her? Is she even safe?
My heart is pounding and I turn around to see that... my horse took the liberty of taking off without me. Great.
It has been two days since seeing Sophia last. I have searched everywhere, as has the rest of the family, but she seems nowhere to be found. We expected there to be something in the newspaper, surely the people of the ton would love to hear about a young woman living with the Bridgertons who turns out to be nothing more than a thief. But the newspaper came, and she was not in it.
So now here I am, at Lady Danbury's ball, pretending Sophia took ill and could therefore not attend. I never wanted to go, but my mother insisted, it would be the first time since my injury and people were expecting me. She also told me I might find out more about Sophia's wellbeing, as the queen would most likely attend this ball and was the one who had Sophia arrested.
She has not yet arrived though, the que-... forget I said that, she is just entering the ballroom. A valet makes the announcement, his voice all high and squeaky, and the doors on the indoor balcony are being opened. Everyone has to look up in order to see her, which is typical. I sigh, nerves running through my body, I know I would be an idiot to simply walk up to her and ask where Sophia is, the queen might not even know herself. Yet, I know that I will. I'll do anything to find-....
My breath stocks, because the queen is not alone. Next to her stands a woman, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen...

Bridgerton - The Lost Royal
FanfictionSophia Badger always envied those born as elites, attending balls and wearing fancy dresses. She's spent her life trying to get there; from falsifying legal documents to get into finishing school to learning how to sew her own dresses. Still, withou...