Chapter Twenty-Six

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I am unsure as to how I convinced my grandmother to invite the Bridgerton family to her family dinner without making her suspicious. In fact, she had apparently been planning on inviting them herself.

Unfortunately for me, she was also planning something else, which was my marriage to prince Benedict, something I was not at all into. Prince Benedict had been following me around all day, somehow around every corner, with always a topic to talk about: him. I believe I know more about him than I do about myself, which is not something I'm necessarily happy about.

I was therefore not surprised that my grandmother had seated prince Benedict right next to me. While the other Benedict was over at the other end of the table. I had promised myself not to look at him, let alone talk to him, because he thought of me as his little sister, and I have a new life now.

In only a matter of time, I will be queen. I will rule a country, make life-changing decisions and protect the citizens of England. It seems to finally have landed that my entire future has changed, and that I am a new person now. I am a new Sophia, and this version does not chase a man that does not want her.

It was hard, I will admit that, mainly because I could feel his eyes on me and even more so because the prince next to me was trying to bore me to death. Thankfully, there was the break, and I could finally talk to Hyacinth.

"How have you been?" She asks desperately as we stand inside one of the many rooms the castle has to offer.

"It has been... crazy. But good. I have been good." I say.

"Are you sure? Because that bloke next to you seemed to suck the life right out of you." Hyacinth comments and I laugh, something I realise I haven't done in some time.

"He is awful, no title can change that. And you know what's worse? His name is Benedict..." I sigh.

Hyacinth turns her head, "Why is that bad?"

I fall silent for a second, "uhm.." I start walking around the room, "I don't know."

"I do." Hyacinth smirks.

I whip my head around, "You do?"

"Yes, Sophia, I think I do. You are in love with Benedict, the nice one, but you think he sees you as his little sister." She states.

"I am not in lo-..." I stop, "Wait, what did you say exactly?"

"You think he sees you like a sister."

"But he doesn't?" A warm feeling fills my chest.

"My brother can be a little idiotic with his words sometimes." Hyacinth smiles and steps closer to me, "So, what are you going to do now?"

"Well..." I look at the young woman in front of me, "What would you want me to do?" I ask.

Hyacinth's eyes light up, "I want you to marry him, so we'll never be apart. so I can be the aunt of your children. So that we will be sisters."

"And so that you will be a royal?" I add.

Hyacinth grins, "Well yes, that too."

"Okay, I shall talk to him then. Tonight, I shall..." My breath catches in my throat.

"Tell Benedict how you feel?" Hyacinth proposes.

I nod, "Yes. The right Benedict. The one that actually cares about me and not the selfish prince."

"He really is that bad, isn't he?" Hyacinth laughs.

I groan, "I am sure that since you are his little sister, you have seen Benedicts annoying traits, or some of his faults, but this Benedict, I swear he is the worst. I know you are not supposed to say these kind of things but honestly, I think I would rather die than marry him. But here I am, stuck with him at a dinner table, only because my grandmother figured it would be a nice companion for me."

The dinner bell rings and we leave the room, chatting on about prince Benedict. We descend the stairs and I let Hyacinth enter the dining room before me. Just as I step inside, a hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me backwards. I look up surprised into a pair of very green, and more importantly, very angry eyes.

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