Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"I do not recall proposing to you." I say through gritted teeth. Sophia's eyebrows shoot upwards,

"I beg your pardon?" She asks.

I snort, something within me raging with anger. Is she really acting all innocent now? Did I really not see this side of her all along?

"I simply wanted you to know that I have no intention of ever marrying you, since you seem worried that I might." I lean against the wall, knowing my mother and all the guests are right around the corner, waiting for us to return.

Sophia stays silent, her eyes finding mine. She seems to search for something, completely confused it seems, as if she did not just talk about me behind my back.

"I know you do not wish to marry me. You have said that before." She states simply. And indeed, I now remember that I have said that before, to my brother Anthony, at Sophia's first ever ball. But that was different, I did not mean that.

"Did we not discuss that?" I ask, annoyed that she would switch topics like that.

"I simply do not understand why you are so desperate to state your desire to marry anyone but me again."

"Because I heard you, Sophia. You were talking about me just now, with my own sister."

"That was not-.." she begins but I cut her off,

"No it's fine Sophia, it's fine. I thought we were something. I was stupid enough to think that you cared about me and that this whole royalty thing was never going to change that but apparently I was wrong."

I register pain in her eyes but I'm all in now, "You had nothing, before you ran into me. I took you in, I wanted you to have the best life you could possibly have and this is what I get in return?" I scoff, "I can't believe I fell for you, when you are nothing more than a spoiled-.."

"Princess Sophia?" The smug-looking dude from before interrupts me and I shoot him a glance that would kill him, had he been looking at me. Unfortunately, he only has eyes for Sophia, whose face has gone slack.

"The queen requests you back, for the next half of the dinner." The dude says, then adds a laugh, "And I request you too, I have much more to tell you about my trip to France..."

I am about to smash his head into the nearest wall when Sophia composes herself and straightens her back, looking me right in the eyes,

"Naturally, I shall join you at the dinner table, Prince Benedict." And with those crashing words, she leaves me behind.


"You did what?!" Hyacinth slaps me on my chest, "You complete idiot!"

"Hyacinth, I'm sorry! How was I supposed to know there was another Benedict?"

"Well maybe because Sophia would never talk about you like that, and more importantly because I would never let her!" I step back, My little sister can be quite threatening when she wishes to do so. We are standing in her room, a room she barged into after she and my mother returned from the dinner, demanding to know what reason I had to leave halfway through. Now she knows, and she is most certainly going to write me out of her will.

"You must go back, right now!" Hyacinth demands.

My eyes grow big, "It's the middle of the night! Not to mention that she lives in the castle now, the guards will never let me through."

"Well you're not supposed to come through the front door you moron, you have to sneak in!" Hyacinth hisses, pushing me towards the door, "If you do not do this brother, I will never talk to you again."

"Very funny, Hyacinth." I tilt my head to the side.

"I'm serious about this Benedict, you hurt her very bad and I've really enjoyed having Sophia in my life, so please get her to like you again, alright? For me?" She pouts her lips and a snigger escapes my mouth.

Maybe Hyacinth is right. And maybe it is not just her life that improved when Sophia came in. But I have a lot to make right, because a lot of ugly words have exited my mouth and she has every right to never forgive me for it. Thankfully, I now know that she hates the smug-looking dude, which is a great relief.

I look at my sister, her eyes begging me to say yes and I look out the window, realising that at this point, I'm willing to move borders just to talk to Sophia. A smile breaks through on my face,

"Alright, I'll see what I can do for you."


Authors Note:

Heyy, so sorry for the wait on this chapter, my exams nearly took me out but we're good now so I'm going to try and get back to uploading a chapter every other day. okay byeee <3

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