Chapter 23- Back To School. Back To Werk.

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Having to get up at 8:00am the next morning was painful, since sleeping in had been a routine for the past couple of days. I was sat downstairs eating a piece of toast, mom was ironing a sweater and my dad sat opposite me drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper. I missed LA. Don’t get me wrong I love being here with my friends, mom and dad, and of course Ste, but I miss walking downstairs in a morning to the sound of Katy’s beautiful singing, I miss the smell of the fabric soften she would use to clean my clothes, I missed being able to stand in the same room as her and inhale her candy scent even from a couple of meters away. 

I was cut out of my thoughts by the sound of a loud beep coming from outside. I put it down to being neighbours or cars driving past, so I carried on eating my toast. That’s until I heard it again. I hopped off my seat and peered through the window, looking out at the silver Mustang parked outside my house. I squinted my eyes, getting a clearer vision, and noticed a head of brown hair in the front seat. My jaw dropped at the sight of Ste with his hands on the steering wheel, since when had he had a car? I knew he could drive, but his parents had told him he needed to save up for his own. 

“Mom I’m going.” I yelled, before picking up my bag and walking out to Ste’s car. 

He opened the car door and got out. Ste ran up to me, taking me by surprise, and picked me up in his arms. I threw my arms around his neck and laughed as he planted my feet firmly back down on the ground. 

“Hey you.” He said, linking my hand in his. “I’ve missed you so much.” 

“I’ve missed you too, where did the car come from?” 

Ste opened the passenger door for me, waited for me to get in, then closed it behind me. He climbed in his side and started the engine. 

“My grandparents, the British ones, called me on Saturday and told me they had bought me a car. I don’t know what for, but maybe it’s just them spoiling me since I’m their only grand child. My sister wasn’t impressed though, she’s been trying to get her mom and our dad to buy her a car for the past few months, but I told my dad if he’s buying her a car he had to buy me one, but he said he wasn‘t getting either of us one. My mom couldn’t afford to buy me one, so my grand parents just surprised me with it. Now Danielle thinks I’m going to be her new taxi because she hasn‘t got a car and I have, well she can forget that.” Ste huffed. 

I liked Danielle, Ste’s half sister. She was one of them people you found easy to get along with, she was the grade above me and the grade below Ste, so just in the middle of us. 

 “That was nice of them. You didn’t mention it yesterday.” 

Ste looked over at me and winked, “I know, I wanted to surprise you.” 

We pulled up outside school then climbed out of the car, gaining a few stairs as usual off the popular girls in Ste’s year. It was the same all the time, they would look over, scowling and frowning because I spent so much time with Ste. Imagine there faces when they find out we’re dating. He glanced up and noticed the girls looking over and eyeing him, along with the majority of females around us, he turned to look at me, knowing people were watching, and pressed his lips softly against mine. I got so caught up in his amazing scent and mint breath, that I forgot to move when he pulled away. I opened my eyes and smiled shyly. He threw his arm over me shoulder whilst we walked, before whispering, “Look at their faces now. Idiots.” 

I just laughed and put my arm around Ste, giving him a quick squeeze, “You don’t understand how much I’ve missed you.” 

We hopped up the steps, “I’ve been out every single day, trying to take my mind off the fact you were in LA and I couldn’t see you.” 

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