Chapter 7

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Last night I couldn't sleep at all. I kept having nightmares and it was not pleasant. So I just watched tv all night, I would fall asleep but wake up 20 minutes later. I wish I could know why I'm having these nightmares so I could sleep peacefully. These nightmares are not going away not matter what I do. I just can't with them. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes and images started flashing by. I jumped up and open my eyes.

"Did I wake you?" Chris Browns Manager Tina said. I shook my head no.

"Good. Get dress, you'll start training in 45 minutes. Please make it quick" she said walking out. I groaned and got out of bed and walked straight to the bathroom. The shower I had last night was amazing. I finally felt clean. Now it's time for another one.


Was I the only one who didn't sleep last night? At first it was a nice dream which turned into a nightmare, it was crazy. I woke up around 6 a.m and watched tv till 10 then went back to sleep. Thank goodness I ain't have any nightmares.

"Chris! It's time to wake up" I turned to the other side

"Chris!! Wake up!!" I took a pillow and put it on my head

"Chris wake yo ass up now or else" I know that voice. Tina😑 I sat up on my bed and rubbed my eyes.

"You need to get ready, you have a interview today, and you have to meet your executive producer to shoot your loyal video." Tina explained "did you hear what I said Chris!"

I squinted my eyes. "You lost me at you need" I said laughing. She picked up my pillow and threw it at me and walked out the room.

Why should I have to do all these things? After all that shit that happened and they didn't want to reschedule and let a nigga breathe. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and just stared at myself. I look horrible, disgusting I should say. I started to undress myself and went into the shower


After my shower I dressed in my clothes I got arrested in, and they were pretty tight since I grew... A lot. I opened the door to my room and peeked outside to see if anyone was near. I stepped outside and walked down the stairs weirdly since my jeans were tight around my thighs. I got to the last step and looked around to see if anyone was near. I don't want people looking at me so I just peek to see if anyone's near. It makes me uncomfortable. I walked down the last step and I was faced with Tina. I just met her and she's annoying.

"Good you're ready, well you should eat cause you're gonna need the energy" she said walking upstairs.

I turned around and I was faced with a kitchen. It was big and beautiful. I walked to the dining room and saw a plate of food. Man the plate looked so good! It had pancakes, sausage, eggs, bacon, toast, and tater tops. My mouth watered for the food. The smell of the bacon was so fresh and tasty. It reminds me of my mother when she used to cook her amazing breakfast every morning. But we couldn't have the last breakfast together.. It was too late. I felt a tear roll down my face then I just started balling, I put my hand up to my mouth so no one could hear me.

"Good mor-- what's wrong?" Rocko came up to me. I shook my head no, not wanting to tell him. He rubbed my back to keep me quiet. "It's gonna be ok" he said. I quickly wiped me tears away and backed away from him.

"You ok?" He asked sincerely. I shook my head yeah and sat at the table.

"Well will you eat? Cause we gonna train you for your new job" he said trying to cheer me up. I rolled my eyes and he chuckled

"Well it's apart of the job, and I'll be there so you'll be fine." He said smiling. I nodded my head up. Then footsteps were coming down the stairs, and soon "Mr.Brown" and Tina came down.

"Come on sweetie we gotta go" she said walking out the house. I twisted my face at what she called me. I guess Rocko saw me cause he chuckled. Soon we were in the car driving... Far


Hey wassup y'all. Yes this story is really short and I just want y'all to keep ready this, and I really do want to update daily but time ain't on my side. And I'm thinking about writing another story about Chris the math teacher *smirks*
And writing a Ciara and Chris Brown Fan-Fic but Nahh

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