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"You are a terribly real thing
In a terribly false world
And that is why I believe
You are in so much pain."

(POV) Justin:

I've been thinking a lot lately. About everything, I guess being sober for even as short as two weeks can have your mind going crazy. I've even been writing songs and by this rate I should have an album coming out soon. Ari and I have been hanging out almost everyday and speaking of I'm taking her on a date, but not just any ole date. This is going to be special and I'm so excited.
Aribabes😍: What's up?
Me: Shhh be ready by 7 😶
Aribabes😍: fine weirdo.
I glanced up at the time to find it to be 5:00 on the dot. That gives me just the right amount of time. Firstly, time to shower.

(POV) Ariana:

"Alexa, how should I wear my hair?" I said through my iphone 6 speaker.
"Well where are you going?"
"I don't know. Like I don't want to be too casual or too dolled up."
"Ugh shut up I'll be there in 10." She hung up on me without even saying bye.
Justin is literally driving me insane, but in the good way, the kinda insane you feel when your crush asks you out for the first time. My stomach is in flutters and my brain is a mess, but my heart is calm. Like what if we aren't even doing anything? Just studio, ugh. *ding dong* "Coming!" I yelled as I jogged to the front door to see Alexa's smiling face through the door window. "Hiya you love bug." She said embracing me in a hug. "Now let's find you something to wear." Alexa literally dragged me upstairs. Well I'm exaggerating but still it felt like it, she sat me on the bed and picked clothes out.
Biebs🙈: oh yeah check your backdoor.
I jumped up quickly in hopes of seeing Justin, but instead there was a simple oversized hoodie, high waisted shorts and a pair of white converse to match the white 'Santa Cruz' hoodie
"Hey Alexa!" She came running downstairs full speed. "What what?" I waved my hand in front of the clothes. "Well I found what you're gonna wear today" she smiled. "Come on let's go do your hair"

About an hour later I was all dolled up in the most casual way. Alexa left about ten minutes go and now I'm just left to wait for biebs to get here.
Biebs🙈: beautiful,guess who's on their way?
Ugh he kills me with that damn word. I ran around the house collecting my purse, my charger and whatever other things I managed to pick up in a panic.
*ding dong*
"Coming!" I yelled as I jogged my way to the door.

There he stood with a white beanie, white hoodie and grey skinny jeans. His hands were behind his back and he looked down at me with the biggest smile on his face. "Here you go" he handed me a single rose. "You're so cheesy Justin" I kissed his cheek and quickly put the rose away. "You ready?" He held out his hand and lead me to his Ferrari.
"Are you gonna tell me where were going?"
"Nope" he said popping the P.
"Can I have a hint?"
"Hmmmm, no"
*20 minutes later*

We pulled up to someone's house that was unfamiliar. We just switched from Justin's Ferrari to someone's pick up truck, which was really weird, but I didn't ask. I shortly realized why, we pulled up to a drive in theatre that was open only for us. He backed into the spot and started throwing random pillows and blankets into the bed of the truck. "Come on babe get up here" we laid down and two teenage boys came up with refreshments.

After watching 'insidious 3' that awkward moment came on. Justin sure does know how to pick movies (hint the sarcasm). No complaints just typically the scary movie is after the comedy.

I just couldn't help but admire the way he laid his head on my chest and how much of a baby he is, like the way he is cuddled up to me. "H-hey Justin" he looked up at me and I crashed my lips onto his. He crawled on top of me holding my waist securely and passionately kissed me. He stopped kissing me and just stared at me. "What?" "You're just so beautiful" he smiled. "Stop" I blushed as I covered my face. "Hey Ari? Can I ask you something?"
"Anything Jay"
"Will you be my girlfriend" he fumbled with his words and how much of a middle-schooler he resembled. "Yes" I never felt so happy. He gently placed his lips upon mine and moved in sync.

(POV) Justin:

Whos the luckiest man on this Earth? The one that is making out with the most perfect human being. Ariana Grande, ugh she's just so- my thoughts were interrupted as I felt her lips travel down my neck. I swallowed hard and felt a shiver run down my spine. She lifted her head up more towards mine and attached our lips after she finished whatever works she did to my neck. I followed her move and began leaving a trail of kisses. "Mmmm Justin" god Ari why did you have to say that. I felt my pants get extremely uncomfortable. I tried to cool this make out session down, but Ari wasn't having it. She kept pulling me closer to her and I really didn't want her to feel my uh situation. "Hey Ari wanna sleep over" I awkwardly asked through a voice squeak. "Sure" she smiled. We didn't even clean up the pick up, just drove straight home, her hand in mine the entire time. Just a comfortable silence. I found my anti-depressant...

I fumbled with my house keys and nervously opened the door. I really don't want to take things too quickly, I just don't want to make her feel unwanted or like I'm using her. "You want some different clothes baby?" She nodded and followed me up the stairs. I grabbed a pair of grey nike basketball shorts and handed them to her and one of my normal white Tees. While she was changing in the bathroom I quickly threw on a pair of shorts and took off this damn hoodie and laid on the bed flipping through Netflix. I started to drift off until I felt little tiny hands wrap around my waist. I turned to face a makeupless Grande. "Ariana, you're you're gorgeous" her response was just a peck on my lips. "Yunno Justin" she said as she traced my tattoos with her fingers "You are a terribly real thing In a terribly false world and that is why I believe you are in so much pain." She whispered in the most calming voice. " I love you " I blurted. "Ari I'm sorry I don't know why I said that it's just I don't know"
"Shut up I love you too"
"You give me meaning Ariana Grande and I'm so thankful you walked into that studio the day you did" I kissed her lips passionately and wrapped my arms around her resting my hands on her bare belly letting her head rest perfectly in the crook of my neck. Justin Bieber has found his happiness...

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