Missing You

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      " The most precious song,
                His heartbeat."

(POV) Justin:

It has been almost two weeks since I last seen Ari and to be honest I really miss her. She's not mad at me or anything, she's the opener for 'Rixton' for the next month. When she told me no doubt I was happy for her because this would be the beginning of her career, though I wish it was me she was touring with but, I decided a break from everything was needed.

*Two weeks before*

Ariana and I were lying on her over sized bed watching The Notebook. She's so cute you know? When I had told her I never even heard of that romantic movie she about had a heart attack and insisted we watched it. So here we are. I snuck my arm around her waist and gently pulled her closer. I was in complete shock when she rested her head softly upon my left shoulder. "What do you want" "Dammit I said what do you want!" The man was yelling at his lover in the movie.
I had just started focusing on the movie when the petite brunette slowly sat up and stared into my eyes. "Hey jay?" She question. I turned my head to give her my full attention and she continued. "How are you doing?" Her eyes were peaceful yet filled with care when she had asked. "I'm good" I genuinely smiled at her. "Well guess what?" She almost jumped off of the bed she was so excited. "What?" A giggle escaped from my mouth. "I'm opening up for rixon!" Her smile was so genuine but, mine was not. I have this weird longing for her to always stay with me because she keeps me sane. These passed two months we literally did almost everything together but, for her sake I'll play it cool. "Really Ari!? When and how long" I forced myself to say excitedly. "We leave tomorrow and I'll be home in a month" Ariana smiled. "But in two weeks we have a show here so I'll be home for a day. Make sure you visit." She smiled while pointing her finger at me. "Most definitely" this time I really smiled because of the thought of seeing her again, it will be perfect..

*End of Flashback*

And now here I am exactly two weeks later. She's on stage right now opening up for the next big band and I'm sitting in My house waiting for Za's guest to arrive. Surely enough they all packed in. Everyone had to bring a bottle of something and we are about to turn up. "Yo bizzle let's go bro." I got up and jogged over to Za while I focused on the loud music bumping the whole house. "Yea man"
"Dude you chug this whole bottle of three olives and I'll chug this one. First one to puke owes the other 300$" "Za you're fucked" I feel like I only did this because I was already drinking. I snatched the bottle of vodka out of his hand and waiting for the 'go'. I quickly let the burning feeling rush into my throat and set fire to my stomach. Every gulp I took let the world get more dizzy. I threw the bottle on the ground when I finished. "Foooock yowoo zaaaa I ficken wennnn" I slurred.

(POV) Ariana:

These past few weeks have been great! I love my loves yet my heart sort of yearns for something missing, I almost got lost in my thoughts until the sound of screaming entered my ears. A few of loves are waiting. I can't help but smile thinking about being here with all of them.

I step in front of the stage screen, placed a hand on my hip and pulled the silver mic to my mouth. The doors slowly opened as my dancers and I glided across the stage to the front while tattooed heart began and the memories of the song flooded my brain. This night will be amazing.

*1 hour later*

" I love y'all I had a Great time tonight!" I waved and walked off stage, hot, sweaty and exhausted. "Great job Ariana" scooter smiled. "Thanks scoot I'm gonna change and go see a friend." He nodded and walked away. I quickly changed into some sweats and a crop top, sprayed perfume then walked to the parking garage. "Hey John" "Where to Miss Grande?" "You know John" I embarrassingly mumbled. "Ahh yes"

He pulled into an all to familiar drive way I waved as I got out of the car. I walk to the front door and realize it's already open. My thoughts had drowned the loud rap music bumping from the house. Oh god Justin another party. I slowly walked through the rooms and halls searching for Jay, but all I seen was drunks swapping spit. "Hey!! Let go of me!" I yelled. "No bbbaby you're mmmmine taaanight" Some tall overpowered man slurred. "Nno let go" I yanked away and continued searching. I paused at his room, there's no way he'd be in here with a party like this going on, but I tried anyway. "Jay?" I whispered. I felt strong arms around my waist and an aroma of beer stimulated my senses. "Aribaby I've missed you" he whispered on my neck sending a chill through my body. I gulped " missed you to jay". He began to kiss on my neck. "Jjustin" I unwillingly moaned and quickly placed my hands over my mouth. "Bbbaby ddont cover your beautiful face." He kissed me and I, I kissed back. God Ariana Butera stop he's drunk, but he's so gentle and loving. No still drunk. "Justin stop" I stated sternly. "Oh okay baby" I lead him to his bed and laid him down. "I'll be right back okay?"

I ran down the stairs and screamed a small fib "EVERYONE OUT THE COPS ARE COMING!" I watched as everyone cleared out and about 10 minutes later the house lied emptily filled with empty bottles of well everything. When everyone left I walked up the stairs back to Justin's room, he lied there asleep. I crawled in next to him and almost immediately he snuck his arms around me and held me closely. I felt a tear slide down my cheek at the thought of him, he's so unhealthy, so skinny and so drained. I wiped my tears and slowly fell asleep to the most precious song, his heart beat.

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