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How long can a human survive with a torture like this? How long can a body function before it starts to shut down? How long can I survive without Tobias here with me?

I can't remember how long I have been here. Everyday is the same and I am tired. So, so tired. All I want to do is sleep. All I need to survive is Tobias embrace.

I wonder if he still hates me for not telling him about Stephen

"Good. You're awake" Eric's cold voice says as he forcefully kiss me on my lips. I have stopped struggling against him. It will only hurt me more.

"Yeah.." I whisper

"We are going to make another call to your boyfriend" He says

"He is not my boyfriend!" I yell

"Not?" Eric asked suprised

"He is my husband!" I can see Eric's eyes change and his face becomes red with anger

"You belong to me! How many times do I need to tell you that?!" He yells at me

"I will never belong to you!" I yell back and that's when his hand comes against my face and I cry out in pain. It's a bit blurry but I can hear Eric talking to someone. Maybe the call is being held.

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