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I walked hand in hand back to our bedroom with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. My daughter. Her silent tears rolled down her cheek.

The fan in the roof made a ruzzled sound. Showing it was on and blowing out a chilly wind to the hot room. The themprature in Italy in the summer was hot.

I pulled the thin blanket around Alice small body and laid down beside her. She gripped my hand tight and put her small head full of blonde curly hair on my stomach. My tank top showed a little bit of my stomach and Alice traced one of the scares there.

"What's the matter honey?" I asked as I stroked cirkles on her back.

"You died... I dreamed you died mommy" she cries in my stomach

"Oh, darling. I am right here" I promise her as I kiss her jead softly

"Sleep" I tell her

"I can't"

"Your father once told me he would fight the bad dreams of with his bare hands if they came to me. Alice, as long as I have a say the nightmares won't come. So please... Try and sleep"

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