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Summer..two weeks later

I'm so excited, me and the others are going to the beach. I pack my stuff in a bag,i was wearing white sundress amd under it was my one piece white and pastel orange swimsuit.

°°seems someone it's excited°°dad said

°°Yeah!!°°i said while stuffing some croissants in my mouth

°°slow it down a little there°°mom said amused

^_^ i really can't wait. It's been a while that i didnt go to the beach and going with a bunch of awesone friends it will be a blast.

°°done!!see you later mom,dad!!°°i said

°°see you later°°dad said

°°don't come late°°mom said

I run to the bridge to meet there,then head to Jintan's house to get his dad with us. (Obviously we can't go alone at the beach),and head to the beach

Apparently when i arrived, everyone was there. I smile at then and run waving at them.

°°Hey!! Mina!!°°i said

They all glance at me and smile

°°Kami!!over here°°Menma said

°°haa..did i come late?°°i said

°°No,now we can head to my house..let's go!!°°Jintan said

Time skip..

We get out off the car and the first one to run out,it's...

°°Come on!!°° Menma said as she runs to the beach

I smile,i have an idea. I tapped Jintan's shoulder.

°°tag,you're it!!°°i said as i run to the beach too

°°hey!°°Jintan said

°°Let's run!!°° Yukiatsu said
and run and Anaru,Tsuruko and Poppo behind too.

°°that's not fair!!°°Jintan said in a happy tone and start running too.

We all run to beach and head to the water,obviusly we change immediately and run to the water. We all start swimmimg

°°waa!!°°Poppo said

I giggled then i knowtest,that Menma wasn't in the water

°°what's wrong,Menma?°°i said this make everyone look at us

°°i...don't know how to..swim°°Menma said

°°'s ockay!! We can teach you°°i said smiling

°°Really?°° Menma said

°°Yeah! C'mon get in!°°Jintan said

Menma smile brightly and head in carefully. Jintan help her


°°see like this...good!°°Jintan said

Jintan hold her hands while she was splashing. She was smiling brightly

°°aah! This is so cool!°°Menma said

I was smiling,i don't know why but i saw Anaru and Yukiatsu with a sad/jealous face it got me curious but it was tense. I need to change that. I did a big splash to Yukiatsu face

°°you got splash!°°i said giggling

°°hey!°°Yukiatsu said then smirk he did a big splash too but i dodge it and it hit Anaru

°°ah!°° Anaru said and Yukiatsu laughed

Anaru glared at him and smile back doing a big splash that it hit to Poppo and Tsuruko

°°waa!!°° Tsuruko and Poppo said

°°it's on!!°° Tsuruko said

°°splash fight!!°°Poppo said

Both of them splash at us hitting Jintan and Menma. They both join the splash fight..we all keep playing with it until we get hungry.

We all head to eat (everyone brought their on bentos including me)mines was onigiri and chicken also with tamago rolls with water.

After eating and getting a bit of rest we play hide and seek.

°°allright,let's do rock-paper-siscsors°°Jintan said


All of us except for Poppo were rock,so it's Poppo turn

°°i'm to catch you all!! Ok 1..2..3..4..°° Poppo said

And we all run to hide. Apparently the others find their hiding place except for me. Oh no

°°aah!°°i said a bit anscious

°°Kami over here!°°

I glance to a little cave with rocks on it,i saw Yukiatsu behind a rock. He gestured me to go to him.

°°c'mon°° Yukiatsu said i run to him he grab my hand and put me behind him

°°I think we should hide here,that he wouldn't see us and get the chance to touch tree°°Yukiatsu said

°°good idea!°°i said smiling

We keep there in slience. I was pretty close to Yukiatsu. I glance at the behind us(there big rocks ouside the cave) i saw the dark cave...dark. I shriek and hugged his back

°°eh?..Kami°°Yukiatsu said

°°gome,it's that...i'm afraid of the dark°°i admitted burried my face at his back. I without knowest it he blush sligthly by my touch

°°i-it's can..stay like that until we can run to the tree°°Yukiatsu said

°°thank you°°i said

It pass some minutes,when it was all clear

°°ok,let's go!°°Yukiatsu said letting go of him. He grabbed my hand and run. We run pretty fast to the tree

°°we made it!!°°i said

°°hmn°°Yukiatsu said

°°we make a great team!°° i said

°°yeah,we do°° Yuliatsu said

I smile and glance at my hands and i knowtest

°°we still...holding hands°°i said

°°eh?..oh!°° Yukiatsu said and let go of it

°°sorry°° Yukiatsu said looking away. I smile

°°it's ockay..°°i said.

°°and thank you so much,you're a great friend°°i said smiling warmly

He blush sligtly touching his neck looking away


We both glance at the others arriving. I smile and wave at them

°°over here!!°° i said

The ones who come were Jintan and Menma then some minutes later were Tsuruko and Anaru

°°good job!!everyone did it°°Jintan said

°°yay!!°°we all said and high five each other

°°OH there's Poppo!!°° Menma said

He run to us panting.

°°aw man°° Poppo said we all laugh

After that we watch the sunset

°°this is the best summer ever!!°°i said

°°yeah°° they all agreed

°°hey..i really want to keep this friendship between us°° i said

°°and we will!!°°Menma said

°°Yeah because we are the super busters!!°°Jintan said

°°yeah!!°° we all said

..this is the best summer ever

Spring cherry blossom~(Anohana fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now