Chapter 14

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*hiding behind wall* Hello,please don't get mad at me!! 😣 I was taking a rest from the stress of school (Math's fault) and with stress I cannot write nothing but anyway,I'm back *applauses*
The girl from up there 👆,it's Okami six years later (it wasn't me who draw it but I edit it,I tried changing her eye color but failed 😧) Anywho,please enjoy~
6 years later...

It's such a scenery,the breeze is so calid,a whole place of flowers and the sky was so blue...

"Wow" I gasped. What is this place?

"Kami!" a choir of voices I get to heard from behind. I turned around seeing my best friends...

"Guys!" I happily said "You guys are here!" I started tearing up with joy. Looking at them and at me we where in a circle also...they looked the same I remembered them I was the only one who changed

"Why haven't you come to see us? We miss you!" Menma said as her childish attitude like always.

"I--" I couldn't find the words,I don't know what to say...suddenly I felt a grasp on my shirt, I looked down to see Poppo...

"Had you forget about us?" He said sadly,my eyes immediately widen

"Of course not! You guys are my best friends!" I said

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