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Feelings,new start


It was a Saturday, I looked at the great sky that looked so blue,the wind was relaxing and the sun wasn't that hot. It was a perfect day for...

"Catch!" I heard dad when I turned to looked but I catches it,anyway. My dad smiled and sit next to me,ruffling my hair

"You're still good with the reflexes,huh" dad said

And I groaned fixing my hair and he started to laugh

"Dad~" I whine and keep laughing, slowly I started to smiled again looking at my dad. He stops and looked at me

"Wanna play?" He said and I smiled making a "hmn!" In respond

"All right let's get you're bat,glove and head to the park near here,ok?" Dad said as he stands up and so am I

"Ok" I said and ran to my room to get my bat and glove. Also, changed into a plain yellow shirt,skinny knee-length jeans and sneakers. Also a baseball cap that my dad get me 1 year ago. After that,I ran downstairs and saw my dad already standing in the front door.

"Ready?" He said smiling and I nodded running to him

"Wait!" I heard mom said from the kitchen. We turned to her when she take a peek

"Don't come late AND good luck~" she smiled

"We will!!" I said making a peace sign,she giggled and head back to the kitchen

"Come on,let's go" dad said
"I'm going to throw you one a bit...father,here!" Dad said

"Ok!" I said really loud since he's pretty far. He thrown the ball,it was pretty high. I stared at the ball carefully, my glove up towards the sky. When the ball started to head to me, I ran backwards, did a high jumped and catch it. I heard my dad whistle

"Woohoo,that was a great catch!!" He exclaimed pretty loud witch makes me giggled

This is one of my lucky days I get to hang out with my dad. Why? Because he at night comes from work so I only hang out with him on Saturday's or some days in Summer. But when we can,we do the best things we like to do with him or the whole of us.

"All right my turn to throw!" I exclaimed louder

"Ok do best one you got!!" Dad said and I nodded

I take a deep breath, strike the pose and with all my strength, I throw it to him. It wasn't that high but it was a pretty good one to be honest. Dad catches it and showed it raising his glove,with a big smile

"Good one!!" He exclaimed giving a thumbs up

I smiled at him,it could be good if my f--

"Kami" I heard a familiar voice witch I turned back

And saw my friends waving at me and my smile grew wider. Motioning them to come,they get into the park where me and my dad were.

"There you are,we were looking for you!" Menma said

"Yeah,we got bored in our houses so we head to get all of us and do something" Jintan said

"Oh" I said understanding

"So,this are your friends?" Dad said as he approached to us

"Yes!" I said

"Your Kami's dad?" Menma asked and he nodded

"Yep,this adorable girl over here it's my daughter" he cheekily smiled witch makes me blushed in embarrassment

"Dad~" I covered my blushed face with my hands and he started to chuckled ruffling my hair,making me whine. The others were watching all this smiling

Spring cherry blossom~(Anohana fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now