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I was in a daze,how can I be calmed when I already have a life here. I mean,moving out after I met really special friends? And getting use to live here,that's...not fair,at all.

"Kami?...Kami!" I jumped by surprised,when I realized I was in class with my friends around me. They were looking at me with a confused but worried expression,

"Hey what's going on,are you okay?" Jintan asked

"You seem to be out of here" Anaru said

Oh right. Now that I think about it,I need to tell them. But not now...not now. I tried to make a good smile,

"It's ok guys! I'm just thinking not nothing to be worry about" I said but they were a bit unconvinced "really it's nothing to be worry about"

"Oh alright" Jintan sigh defeated

"But if there's a problem Kami,don't be afraid to tell us,ok?" Menma smiled a little

I looked at her a bit worried but I covered it with a smile and nod. She nod back at me.

"Anyway, guys who's prepared for Valentines day?" I said changing the tittle,but they seem surprised about it...

"Why...the question?" Menma nervously said as she blushed a little,I smirked at her.

"Why the blush,is there someone you like?" I said and grabbed her cheeks,her blush deepened "Cute~" I hugged her tightly

"Mmnmn" she mumbled cause she was squeezed by me (≧∇≦)/

After that I let her go making her breath again. I smiled cheekily,

"Sorry" I said "I got carried away" nervously touched my neck. She smiled a little after taking breath,

"Anyway, I know this is too soon but...I'm so thankful for being my friends,I love you all guys!" I blushed smiling at them,fact saying that makes me feel so sad

"Kami" The others said with blush faces but not from embarrassment but for happiness. I received a hug by them all wich I warmly took it back.
At home, I was thinking how to tell my friends. But I'm worried, I just don't want them to feel sad too. I'll just try after tomorrow. Looking determine in the ceiling, I give a light sigh.

"Okami! Dinners ready" I heard my mom said

I stand up and head to dinner.
The days passed,my birthday was coming in days but...lately my friends have been acting pretty strange.

"Hey guys!" I said as I approached them but they were surprised when they saw me

"H-hey Kami" Menma stutter, I tilted my head

"Is something wrong?" I asked and she looked nervous but has a smile on her face

"N-no!! Not at all" Menma said and I stare at her. There's something...

"It's nothing Kami we were just thinking what to do today" Yukiatsu said and Menma sigh in relieved and nodded

"Oh...ok" I said still unconvinced

Spring cherry blossom~(Anohana fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now