The Mission

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Wander and Sylvia devised a plan to sneak into Hater's ship and steal Wander's heart back. "Okay, Wander, you got the plan right?" Sylvia whispered. Wander nodded. "Good," She hissed. Wander took of his hat and walked out in front of Hater's. "Hater! Come out and face me!" He didn't dare put a smile on his face. He just stared at the ship coldly. "Wander?! What do you want?!" Hater asked over the speaker in the ship. Wander snickered. "What do you think?!" He narrowed his eyes demanding an answer. "Uhh. You want to throw a random party or something?" Hater guessed. Wander laughed so cruelly it made every soul nearby shudder in fear. "I'm here to join you. After all, you claimed you were the greatest in the galaxy," He gave a smile that made every stomach knot in fear. Hater shuddered and then regained his senses. "Why should I believe you? This could be a trick!" Wander tapped his foot impatiently. "Ha! Isn't it proof enough that I'm not wearing that stupid hat or talking in my usual tone? You want proof. I'll give you proof." Wander walked over to Sylvia covered in makeup. She was laying behind a rock. He grabbed her reigns and dragged her out. "Is this proof enough? She escaped the volcano and ran to me. I, of course, beat her senseless in a fight." He gave that same make-your-heart-skip-a-beat look. "Wander, Please! Don't!" Sylvia cried. Wander kicked her side and she curled up in a ball. "No. It's too late." He shifted his gaze back to Lord Hater. "I want to thank you for revealing the side of me I locked away for so long. Let me join you to bring evil throughout the galaxy!" 

The tongue came out of Hater's ship and touched the ground. "Ye-yes! Come aboard!" Wander stayed. "Ah ah ah, we're forgetting something," he snapped and pointed at a group of watchdogs. They all gasped. Wander smirked. "We can't leave the Zbornak here. She could tell the police and get us taken into custody. We need to bring her with us so she can't." The watchdogs ran as quick as they possibly could to grab Sylvia and hurry back into the ship. Wander walked in proudly.  All the watchdogs cowered in fear. Wander walked by Commander Peepers and gave a cold look at him. He shrunk under him just like everyone else. "Where do I start?" He asked expectantly.

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