Boy I'm Twisted

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Carmen's Point of View

"There's one more upstairs. Everything's clear down here," a guy with long dark hair said from beside me. I nod and begin to walk up the stairs, a knife in my hand.

I get to the top of the stairs when a frail woman come running towards me. I feel scared, yet I don't flinch. Instead, I plunge the blade straight into the woman, watching as her eyes strangely flash black. Her body flickers as if she's been shocked.

And then I sit straight up in my bed.

Gosh, black eyes? What kind of twisted crap was I into? I looked at my phone to reveal that it was four in the morning. I have to go to that internship in a few hours anyways. I drag myself out of bed and head to the kitchen to make some coffee.

A few days ago my professor called me. He had a friend that needed some help around his business. Apparently he runs advertisement campaigns and has a team that draws up stuff and such. I was happy to accept, excited to be working in something that was related to my major.

While my coffee was making, I grabbed my lap top and opened it. Just out of curiosity, I quickly searched "black eyes". A whole bunch of links popped up, all saying something about evil or hell or demons.

"Gosh.." I mumble, wondering why I would be having dreams about such things.

I closed my laptop and poured coffee into my favorite mug before heading back to my room to get ready.

The internship was a difficult job. I knew nothing about campaigns, so I felt dumb having to ask so many questions. At the end of the day, my professor called me and asked to see me. I politely agreed and headed out to the campus.

"Mr. Martin? You wanted to see me?" I ask when I enter the room. He looks up from his papers. "Yes! Carmen, I wanted to see how your first day was."

"Oh, well it was different. But I liked it a lot. It just takes some getting used to," I explained as he came over to me.

"Well you are quite the girl for the job," he said in a low voice as his eyes drifted down my body. My eyebrows furrowed a bit. I can't believe this.

"See, the problem is, I actually had the job arranged. But now, my friend is wanting me to pay him some cash," Mr. Martin says, leaning in and causing my to back up to the wall. "It's cash that I know a single college girl like yourself couldn't scrounge up. So I thought maybe we could make up some other deal."

I look up at him, disgusted. Then I knee him in the crotch. "You damn pervert! What the hell is wrong with you?" I shout, kicking him in the gut once he fell down.

I storm out of the room and run out of the building as fast as I can. Tears start running down my face, ruining my makeup. Looks like Catherine was right..

I was wiping my tears away when I ran into something hard. I look up and fine a rather tall, blonde headed guy, holding me at my elbows so I don't fall.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I was just-"

"Don't worry about it. Are you okay?" He asks me politely, a gentle smile on his face. Staring up at this polite guy made me want to cry even harder. Here I was, a crying mess and I run into this hot guy. I guess he wouldn't think I was too hot.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" He asks me, tilting my chin up to him.

"J-just my professor t-tried to have sex with me and then I-I started-d balling like a fre-freaking baby and nowImet youan youarereallycute and Imadea f-fool outtamyself," the words tumble out of my mouth, crying even harder.

"What?" He asks, his eyebrows pulled together in confusion. He must not have understood my sobbing explanation.

I cry more, not able to make the tears stop. I didn't know what was going on with me. I usually wasn't like this. I had found that I was more of a badass, dealing with my problems rather than crying over them.

Today though, jeez. Must be an exception.

I don't even notice that I'm now crying into the guys shirt. He runs his hands up and down my back, trying to sooth me. "Why don't you come to my place, and you can tell me what's wrong. I'll make you coffee?" He tries to bargain.

I nod into his chest, half out of it. He pulls away but holds my hand, leading me across the street and into his apartment building.

"You must love living right across," I comment with a sniffle. He smiles and nods. "Yeah, it's pretty cool. My neighbors are kind of grumpy, though."

His words make me smile. I follow him into his apartment and look around. His place was kept nicely. Actually, my place probably looks worse than this.

"Here you go," he says, handing me a cup of joe and gesturing to the bar. He sits on a stool across from me.

"How'd you know I liked coffee?" I ask, taking a sip of the dark liquid.

"You looked the type," he says with a smirk. His blonde hair falls into his eyes. He brushes it away with one hand, his smile never faltering.

"What type?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Ya' know. The Gilmore Girls watching, stay up late, coffee addict," he says.

"Gilmore Girls?" I ask.

"You've never seen Gilmore Girls?" He asks, his eyes wide. I laugh and shake my head no. "Oh, we are soo gonna watch every episode," he replies.

I laugh and take another pull from my coffee. "I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name," I say, setting my cup back down.

"Yeah, you were too busy running into me," he teases, a beautiful smile gracing his features. "Jeremy," he says, sticking his hand out.

"Carmen," I reply.

That night I told him everything about Mr. Martin. He threatened to beat the guy up for me, but I decided he better not. I laughed a lot. He was funny and very sweet. I felt better than I ever had, or at least since I lost my memory.

He walked me home, and kissed me on the cheek before he left.


I start school day after tomorrow so wish me luck! When do you go back to school?

Love you guys!


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