Chapter thirty three ?

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+third's POV+

After days of preparing for the battle, Morgana marches to the place where the fall of Arthur Pendragon happened first. Canlan. Waiting for the others to show, camp is getting set up. Morgana looks over the deserted grounds. "Morgana, Mordred is almost here. He will be here by the time the battle begins." The head officer says. Morgana sits in her seat by Morguse. "All will be fine. Just you wait, you will be Queen." Morguse pats Morgana on the shoulder, trying to calm her nerves. Camp is finally set, night falling shortly. "Soon Emrys, your time will come to an end very soon." 


Merlin and the others are back at the house, trying to plan out where Morgana will strike, and where. "I know. In Canlan. It's where it was in the beginning, now this is the lasting place for the battle." Merlin's face holds no emotion. He now looked like the man that lived too many lives. "Are you completely sure?" Leon asks, trying to make sense of all around him. "Merlin knows all, he is a sorcerer after all!" Gawain throws up his hands. "That isn't how it works." Merlin sighs,"You are going to have to trust me. Morgana is most likely already there just waiting for us. Now, let's go." 

"Why is it taking so long? I don't think I can listen to Gawain for this long!" Leon jokes, but still can hear him in the background telling Percival about the new world. Merlin and Arthur taking the lead in the trail, trying to think of anything to say to each other. "So, how's it going? Why aren't you talking?" Arthur leans over and elbows Merlin. "Hmm, oh. Sorry, I was thinking." waving his hand as if to say that it doesn't matter. "Oh. Okay, well. What are you thinking about?" Merlin shifts awkwardly to this question, truthfully he was thinking about Arthur. The way he always has a goofy smile on his face, the way that Arthur cares but doesn't like to show it. "Arthur. I, I was thinking of how we could win. I don't know if we can. A lot is resting on my magic, I don't know if I can safe all of us..." Tears sliding down his face as he opens up to Arthur about the weight of his destiny. Arthur stops as well as everyone else. "We make camp here." Sliding off, he gets everything ready, setting up his and Merlin's tent. "Merlin, can we take a walk?" grabbing Merlin's arm, begins to walk away with the ebony haired man. Walking through the woods, Arthur finally stops and spins his friend around, hugging the little warlock. "W-why are you hugging me?" Merlin stiffens up, but finally relaxing in his embrace. "You don't have to be worried about that. Stop and look around you Merlin. This is all you. From what I understand, the whole world is you. That is who you are. I have been a fool Merlin. You have done more for all of us than any could. I saw the memories. The way that you have always helped me. The way that you used every bit of your fiber to try to save me one last time." Arthur squeezes Merlin harder trying not to cry at all the things he has done for him. "Arthur. It was my destiny to save you. I've saved you so many times before, then when my powers where tested the most. I couldn't save you. I failed. I have failed you, and I'm afraid of failing you again." Merlin sniffles and cries in Arthur's shoulder. "It's okay Merlin. Just right now, don't let me go."

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