The next day...

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Alice POV...

When I woke up I was in the arms of something warm and I jumped up, When i looked down i saw Niall jump straight up in bed."Niall what are you doing here, wait..Oh yeah never mind.." I started to remember the events of last night. Niall looked at me weirdly and then chuckled, "How did you forget already?" I got close to him and kissed his cheek when i pulled away he was blushing a bit..."aw, how cute!" i thought to myself. 

 When He noticed I was smiling cause i made him blush he grabbed the blanket and covered his face. "Awe, are you embarrassed love?" I asked. He grumbled something i couldn't understand so i grabbed the blanket and took it off him and he growled loudly and it sent shivers down my spine. He then laughed at me from my reaction. "So you enjoy me growling huh..?" He asked me do to my reaction when he growled. I blushed and he laughed so i sat on his lap as he looked at me biting his lip and i kissed him full of passion, and he made a low moan that made me melt as i then started to grab the hair at the nap of his neck. 

 Things started to get heated and clothes started to go as we heard a loud slam on my front door... Niall and I both jumped up and i ran for my clothes and told him to stay here as i ran down stairs to the banging that was still going on at my door. " Ok, Ok i hear you, hold on!" I yelled and the person yelled back, "Woman i have waited long enough..." Their was only one guy i knew who playfully talked like that.....Louis... 

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