Chapter 5

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I landed on a net. A net. I start to laugh hysterically, thinking again, "what have I got myself into?". An arm reaches for me to grab it. I grab it, rolling onto the floor before the arm that was offered to me, catches me again. I stare into his dark brown eyes, mesmerized by the warmth they held.

"What's your name?" He says, releasing me from his grasp.

I think about it, the words seeming not to utter my lips.

"You can change it, but only once. Then, that's the name that you keep with you forever." He says to me, his eyes staring into my soul.

"Autumn." I say.

I don't know why I chose this name. I mean, it always made me happy to think about the seasons. I just didn't think I would choose them as a name.

"Autumn, first jumper!" He shouts.

As soon as everyone has jumped, I meet up with Evelyn and the tan skinned, green eyed boy from Candor. I learned that his name is Thomas. Nice name actually. Kind of genuine though. Geez, my brain is so freaking complicated.

"Okay, Dauntless-born initiates, you follow Bella and Max. Transfers come with me and Eric." The tanned man with brown eyes said.

I followed him of course, along with Evelyn and Thomas by my side. All of the Transfers walked down, taking a tour of all of the Dauntless headquarters. I thought so dark and creepy. Why the heck would anyone live here?

Wait. Why am I questioning this? I used to live in a glass building.

"I almost forgot." The brown eyed man said.

"I'm Four. I usually help out in the Control Room, but for your initiations, I'll be helping out." Four said, crossing his arms.

"Wait, Four? Like the number? What, were one, two, and three taken?" A Candor boy says behind me.

Four walks up to him.

"What's your name?" He says, anger spreading across his face.

"James." The Candor boy says.

"Well, James, if I were you I would learn to keep my mouth shut!" Four says, hovering above James.

I smirk at this remark. At least someone gets punished for their big mouth.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the other guy who was supposed to be guiding us. Eric I think his name was. His neck and arms covered in grid like tattoos, and his face with multiple peircings. That's not what was scary, no way. I've seen things like this before. What was scary about him, was his cold blue eyes, that seemed so menacing. They seemed to stare into your soul. They were doorways. As I was staring him down he looked over at me. He smirked at me and crossed his arms.

Could you be anymore of an asshole?

I snapped out of my thoughts just to hear Four speak.

"These are the Dormitories in which you'll be staying in. Both boys and girls will be staying in here. Have fun." Four says, grinning while guiding us all back to the Dinning Hall to eat.

"I wonder if we need library cards for the, you know library." I said to Evelyn, grabbing something to eat.

"Well Four didn't say anything about it, but, I bet you could ask them in your free time." She replied back to me.

"Autumn, why do you even want to go to the library? I thought you left knowledge behind to become an inconsiderate, dumbass?" Thomas jokes, while snickering.

Evelyn and I both start laughing at his remark.

"Inconsiderate dumbass, is that what I just heard?" A deep voice says, anger boiling.

We all turn around to face Eric, us all pale as ghosts.

"Um, no I didn't mean that." Thomas says, backing up.

"Yeah, he didn't mean it. He was just joking." I say, defending Thomas.

"Well, joke or not you're still offending this faction." Eric says, staring us all down.

"Look, maybe you should take a damn chill pill. No one's hurt. It's a joke." I demanded.

"Hmmm. And what might your name be, Ms. Boss?" Eric says, grinning like a madman.

"Autumn." I said, almost spitting the name like it was poison on my tongue.

"Nice name Autumn." Eric says.

Out of nowhere he knocks my food out of my hands. As I go to grab it he kicks me in the ribs. I feel the air being sucked out of me.

"No one gives orders here but the leaders. And since, you're not one of them, I'll give you a bit of advice." He said as a kneeled down beside me. "Keep your damn mouth shut, Nose." He whispered in my ear, then walked away briskly.

"I have an announcement to make!" Max yells, as everyone is seated down.

"We will be having a celebration at 7:00 tonight for everyone to join in on. You are able to do whatever you want, just keep in mind Initiates, you have training tomorrow!" Max shouts, smiling.

The Dinning Hall then erupts in big cheers. As I look across the table from ours, I see Eric staring me down with those cold, snake eyes.

"Hey, Autumn, we should go down to the Pit to grab something to wear!" Evelyn practically shouts in my ear.

"Sure. Let me eat first." I say, practically choking myself to death with the amount of food I shove in my mouth.

As we get out to leave I can feel a pair of eyes glaring daggers into my body. Evelyn, Thomas, and I rushed out in a hurry. I was not going to find out who that was. I was extremely uncomfortable just being in the room.

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