Chapter 6

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Picture above is the tattoo that Autumn gets. Just so you know. Wouldn't want to confuse you guys.


As we started walking towards The Pit, Evelyn just had the most grand idea to get a tattoo. As for Thomas, he just walked off to find the nearest store not wanting to wait for us. Really? Just, really? We were supposed to stay together.

"So, I see your 'friends' left you behind?" A low voice growled.

Come on. Not his shit again!

"Yeah. I guess so." I said, starting to walked in the opposite direction as Eric.

"Where you running to, huh?" Eric chuckled a bit, and followed after me.

"Leave me be, Stalker." I snapped at him.

I felt a hard jolt, as my wrist was pulled.

"I'm sorry for what I did back on the Dinning Hall. You just had no place." Eric said, turning me towards him.

No place? No place?! What the hell? It was just a freaking joke. Cry yourself a river, build yourself a bridge, and GET OVER IT!!

"Listen, Eric, I don't have time for this right now. Just leave me be." I said to him, twisting my wrist out of his grip.

"Fine." He said, a frown upon his face.

Oh, is the little puppy sad now?

I walked towards the tattoo place where Evelyn disappeared to. Fortunately, she was done with her tattoo. Now, we could go get us some clothes and be done with this train wreck. Except, I had changed my mind. I wanted to get a tattoo as well.

One design had caught my eye and I knew exactly where I wanted it. It looked like a clock with wings on it. It had a rose on one side, a lion on the other side, and a cross in the middle. I was mesmerized. I wanted it and I wanted it now.

"Hey, Eve, can you wait up for me? I want to get this tattoo." I said to Evelyn, showing her the design.

"Yeah. Definitely Autumn." She replied, with a kind've hop to her step.

"Okay, my name is Timothy, and I'll be doing your tattoo. I'll be using this 'scanning' machine to put the tattoo on. Hopefully, it'll go faster, and you won't have to deal with much pain." Timothy said, smiling at me.

"Thank you." I replied, laying down under the machine.

I decided to put the tattoo right on my chest, close to my stomach. As soon as the tattoo was finished, I was shocked to see how beautiful it was.

I had decided to put color into the tattoo. I wanted to make a dark bluish~red rose, and a black lion with white and golden eyes. I wanted the wings to be golden and the cross an emerald green. I wanted the clock to just be a dark brown sorta color.

Even though the colors weren't that special, my breath was taken away by how beautiful it turned out. I was speechless.

"Well? Do you like it?" Timothy said, turning towards me.

"Like it? I love it! It's so beautiful!" I said smiling, ear to ear.

"I'm glad it turned out okay." Timothy said, while wrapping my tattoo up.

I knew I would be coming back here to get maybe a piercing or more tattoos. This place was by far awesome.

I had paid my points for the tattoo, and met up with Evelyn.

"So, you gonna show me?" She said, jumping up with excitement.

"Later. It needs to sit for a while in the wrap." I replied back to her.

"Okay. Now, let's go shopping!" Evelyn said, taking my hand and running.

"Where's Thomas?" I asked her, slightly tripping over my feet.

"Oh, him? He went back to headquarters." She said, sprinting even faster.

Figures. He wouldn't wait for us even if it was the end of the world.

We arrived at a clothing store and were greeted by nothing but, black.

"Wow. And I thought they would be selling rainbows!" Evelyn said, sarcasm vividly dripping through her tone.

"Well, it's not like it's Amity. I mean seriously. It's Dauntless now. We're Dauntless now!" I said, strolling around the clothes racks.

"So, wait. What do you think of this black shirt and black skinny jeans? Do you think they look good together? I mean do they mix?" She said, giggling wildly.

"Oh no. You dorks." We turned to see Four grinning at us.

"So, I guess you can see we have a wide variety of clothes!" Four said sarcastically, while grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh. You heard about that" I said, Evelyn and I bursting into fits of giggles.

"Yes. I heard." Four said, smirking.

"What are you guys even looking for to buy?" He asked us.

"We don't know. We were just looking around, and if we found something we would buy it." Evelyn told him.

"Oh. Okay. I'll leave you two girls to it then." He said, as he walked away.

Evelyn soon abandons me. As per usual. I look in the usual outfits for training, casual wear, and rest outfits. I get 3 pairs of skinny jeans, 3 tank tops, 2 pairs of swear pants, 1 long sleeve, 2 short sleeves, a hoodie, and combat boots. I also got myself new bras, underwear, and socks.

I then looked into getting a dress. Ew.

All thoughts aside I decided on a nice flowing dress that went from my shoulders, down to my mid-thigh. The skirt was nice and flowed out, while the top was a tank-top with thin straps. It didn't have much of a design either, except for a leather belt. The colors? Just plain black.

This is totally the life. I could totally get used to this.

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