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Jacob left the door tried the next door. It opened with no problem but what was in front of him was terrifying.

The room had posters of women that a teen aged boy would have. Rock bands, guns and sword-like knives also covered the walls. In the middle of the room was a rope with a loop at the end, for hanging people. The bed was normal looking, black with red splattered design on it, for a second but he took a closer look and saw the red splats where blood.

He slammed the door and went to the next room. The bathroom, had writing on the mirror with what he thought was lipstick untill he saw it was running dowm the mirror. It said


In what looked like fresh blood. He felt a pain in his wrist and looked down to see his wrist slit and realized, the blood was his own.

The cut was deep, so he walked to the stairs until at the top of the stairs he got dizzy and passed out from too much blood loss.

His parents heard a bunch of thumping from the steps and turned to see Jacobs body rolling down the stairs with a slit wrist.


When he woke up he was in the room of the teen boys. He sat up which was too quickly and he got a headache. His parents came in with a wash cloth and put it on his head.

Jacob took a look around the room, everything was different. The hanging rope wasn't there and the walls were clear. He looked at the bed he wasin and saw the sheets were black, no red just black.

He lay back down and asked his parents "where's the rope, posters, guns and sword-like-knives?"

They looked at him like he was insane.

"This room never had any of that stuff in here. It was just like this. You must have been hallucinating from blood loss." his father spoke.

"No I came here and then the bathroom was when something slit my wrist. Something wrote in my blood saying 'GET OUT" in all caps!"

Once again they looked at me like I was insane.

"Why don't you go outside in the backyard while your mom and I talk?"

They lead me outside said "go check out the woods be back be 2 though.

I looked to the woods and hesitated before taking a step through. The figure I saw last time was in front of me and spoke

"yeah, check out the forest. How mad will your parents be if you never return? Not mad at all your gone."

She grabbed me and pulled me further into the woods. I ws still trying to process what she meant by ' I'm gone' why was it pulling me away.

So many questions flowed through my mind. Would I get to ask them? Would they ever get answered?


What do you think? Tell me in the comments! Thx :D

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