Chapter 1

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I usually hate valentines, nobody has ever given me anything and I have never had the courage to give the people I like chocolate, or even a note. I focused on the wind blowing through my bedroom window, it was so calming and it always took my mind off of what I was thinking, I looked around my room and everything was the same as usual. My anime figures and my shelf of books, my art wall right next too my bed. I had a window seat also, I liked too sit there when I read or draw. beep beep, my phone jumped me as my alarm went off, that meant it was time for me to go to my theater class, and that's usually is a good thing but it isn't today because, well... valentines day.


Now let me explain why it's bad because of Valentine's Day...I am in love with my friend and I stayed up all night making chocolate for him, I even made a little bag with bunny ears and a bunny face on it for the chocolate! The big problem is that I'm probably not going to have the courage to give it to him. Another problem is that I feel like he doesn't want me around anymore, he's always spending time with Ashlee, it really hurts too. No! I think to myself, he wants you around, you can do this! You're going to give him the chocolates today!


I made sure to be early to theater so I would have time to give him my chocolate, and I was finally here. While I was in the car I had made myself all confident and I was ready to give him my chocolate. I walked inside and there he was, with his beautiful short brown hair. I started to move forward... But then, Ashlee showed up in front of him with chocolate. He also had chocolate for her... I backed up, I suddenly lost all of my confidence. I was on the verge of tears because I knew that he was gone from me forever now. I ran outside and held in my tears, without thinking I threw away the chocolate into the trash. I went inside and acted like nothing had happened and put that fake smile on my face once again.

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