The Divine Insane Asylum

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Johnnie's POV~

"AND LIFE IS A JOKEEEEE! AT LEAST I CAN LOVE YOU, NAKED AND TATTOED COUNTING THE STARS AND SCARSSSSSS! AND IF THE PAIN HAS A SOUND, LET'S SLOW IT DOWNNNN!" we all make strange noises to try and match the beat of the breakdown to The Divine Zero by Pierce The Veil. We're all crammed into Drake's van, Drake and Tay in the front, Alex is sitting on my lap, leaning against the door and Chloe is sitting on Tyler's lap and Octavia demanded she get the very back seat to herself. Plus, this way, we have more room for our stuff. We've been driving for two and a half hours yet we're not exactly "lost" yet. Our plan is to keep driving until we're lost then drive until we find an old, broken down place and go in and explore it. I was going to make a Vlog for my channel, but moments like this are better left alone. I glance up at Alex and grin as she laughs due to Tay getting the lyrics messed up. Everything is perfect. I'll deal with my mom later but right now, everything is perfect. Alex looks beautiful. The way the wind is making her soft, magically strawberry scented hair fly through the air. The way the sunlight makes her soft, beautifully pale skin glow. The way the scent of her hair mixed with whatever flowery perfume she uses softly surrounds me. Her beautiful smile, her laugh, how the sunlight slips through her hair making her look even more angelic. She's just so beautiful and I still can't figure out why she would want me. "You okay?" she yells over the wind, music, and other people. "Perfect." I yell back. Except, I'm not sure if I was answering her question, or letting her know what I thought of her. Either way, I knew it was true. She smirks and wraps her arms around my neck, wresting her forehead on mine. I close my eyes and let everything close in on me. The sound of the wind. The beginning of Beartooth's Beaten In Lips (which even that couldn't mess up this moment, despite it's loudness). The sound of our friends laughing and growling along. The smell of her. The way her weight feels on my legs. Her heat radiating against me. I don't want to be anywhere else. I can't help but feel that this is the beginning of something beautiful.

Alex's POV~

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath, going back to that place. I'm floating in the water and he takes my hand, pulling me against his body and holding me as I study every feature of his face so I can remember every inch of him. "Alex," his voice echoes in my head as it had before and I open my eyes to his gorgeous blue eyes staring back into mine, "Johnnie," I whisper his name back. Despite the loudness, I know he heard me because of the faint smile that works its way onto his lips. I smile and trace his lips with my finger. He smiles a bit bigger and I move my finger as I notice he's leaning in. We lean in slowly, but the moment I taste his lips the speed of our kiss matches the speed of the song playing. I gently groan as I feel his hand on my bare waist and he uses that chance to slide his tongue into my mouth and explore. I clutch onto his shirt with one hand and grab onto his hair with the other, not caring it will look super messed up afterwards. I feel his finger barely tracing up and down my spine and softly moan his name into his mouth, biting his bottom lip to tease him. I hear him groan as he takes a fist-full of my shirt into his hand, tugging on it. "Hey!" Chloe screams over the music. We stop in a rush and stare up at her. She and Tyler just laugh, but I look around the car. Octavia is in the back, texting Isaiah, Drake and Tay are debating over their different religions, and Chloe and Tyler are now staring deep into each others eyes, talking without using words. This is where I need to be. This is my family. We all represent love is love in our own ways. Octavia and Isaiah- Never let distance effect your love for someone. Drake and Tay- Love has no religion. Chloe and Tyler- Age is just a number, don't let it change anything. And Johnnie and I? Well, Johnnie and I are just the kids with broken wings. Representing that you should never let anything stop true love.

Two hours later~

"This is legit." Octavia chuckles. We all stand in front of what Drake swears is an abandon insane asylum. "We're going in there." Chloe sighs. "Try to find labels that could maybe tell us what this place was." Drake says, "And everyone take out your phones and turn on the flashlights, we need to see what we're doing." We all do as Drake says and all the guys go forward, telling us girls to stand back and wait, as they try to find an entrance. I watch as Tyler picks up a rock and throws it into a window, shattering it then Johnnie and Drake using two other rocks to knock down the little shredded glass sticking out on the sides of the window pane. "Let's go," Johnnie yells to us. We all run to the window and Octavia is the first to slide into the window, feet first. I go after her, feet first as well. We use our flashlights to look around as we wait for the others to join us. "Dude," she chuckles, "This is creepy as hell."

"Definitely," I swallow hard. I feel exposed and vulnerable here. I just want Johnnie to have his arm around me, leading me through this place. I look back and can finally breathe again as I see him swinging through the window. He looks around for a bit before walking towards me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I hug his waist, pointing my flashlight to the ground in front of us. I stare at the little spot my light is shining on and embrace the moment, enjoying how safe he makes me feel. But before long, the safe feeling goes away. No more safe feeling. Only fear. And terror. And maybe a bit of pee as Drake screams, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" and he shines his light on the last thing you want to see in an abandon insane asylum. Well. We're fucked.


MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! tbh, I have no clue when I'll be able to update next so... enjoy your suffering cx I'm going to sleep now XD goodnight, stay rad, and I'll see ya next time ♥♥♥

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