Chapter 12

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Ava's Pov

"Ava," I turned my head to look at Mrs. Lanzone. She was still driving,"please don't give up on Evan. I know you really do but please don't. I'm afraid of what he might do if you do."

"What kill himself?" I knew I was being harsh but really I was upset and I just wanted to lock myself inside my room.

"Yes, kill himself. You know Ive never seen Evan so happy until this morning when he was talking to Kayla. I missed the look on his face. I haven't seen it in so long. I know I'm being unreasonable-"

"You want me to stay with the man- wh...your son?" She frowned at me but nodded.

"Ava, I'm dying. I don't know how fast or how slow, all I know is it will happen-"

"Everyone dies," I cut her off again. She only shook her head.

"I could die tomorrow for all I know. I could die in ten years. I have no idea, but I don't want the same thing to happen to you. I also just want one wish before I die," she talked about her death like she was ready for it. I've never heard someone talk about death like that. I was a Time Stalker and a vampire hunter, but I was still afraid of death. I'm pretty sure everyone was.

"What's your dying wish?" I asked slowly.

"Don't let Evan sink down so far when I go. Keep his head above water. Keep him breathing. Show him the reasons to live. Don't let him blame himself. He's going to try but don't let him. I would want you to give him a chance but I can't force you. I just want his children to know who I am. Don't let Evan bring a knife to his skin. Please, keep him above water," I looked over at her. There were tears coming down her cheeks.

"Mrs. Lanzone, I...I," I started to trail off. I couldn't tell her no. She was dying.

"Please, call me Cassidy," she wiped her face on her sleeve.

"I don't know if I can," I spoke so quietly, I was afraid she wouldn't hear me.

"Just try for me dear," she stopped the car at the house. I got out. She turned to me again,"don't let Ian Lancaster die. One day, the Lancaster name will come back to life and one day, we'll live in a world where everyone is accepted. No one would have to hide anymore. We'll live in a world where time is only a suggestion."


"Please, come inside," she opened the door. I followed her in and closed the door behind me,"put the ice in the sink. I'll get you some fresh ice. That sure is a black eye."

"Tell me about it," I put the ice in the sink and tried to open my eye. It was still swelled.

"You know Evan is just like his father? Ian was a player too. He had a big ego, but he took my breath away. To be honest, I didn't want him as a mate at first. I had someone else in mind, but then Ian took me to his home and he wouldn't let me leave. I began to fall in love with him," she had that dreamy look in her eyes as she was remembering.

I shut my eyes then reopened them. Would I ever feel like that?"Cassidy, what exactly do you have that could kill you?"

"When I was younger, I was in hiding. My father messed with different woman, having me and my sister Maria. Maria joined a group. I was in the same group but a girl came around. Long story short, I got out the group. I had the disease because I never got the medication. That's why I'm going to give it to you," she took something out the fridge.

"What?" I dropped the ice from my face.

"Calm down Ava. It won't kill you. It'll save your life," she came over to me with a needle. I slowly sat back in the chair.

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