Chapter 5: The Beiber Is Scary

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Sooo.... it is  always in Ammies pov unless I say so otherwise. Just thought I would clear that up. I have no idea why I put this under 'Humor'...

 Oh by the waaayy.... the awesome new cover is by radicalmagical :) thanks!

Chapter 5

The Beiber Is Scary

I shoved my door closed and stomped to my bathroom. I looked at my mud covered self in horror.

I saw a GOD. And I looked like THIS?!

I looked at my baggy shirt that was not gray anymore because of the mud, pants that had a hole in one leg the size of my hand, and my hair was just a wad of mud and hair.

How could a little patch of mud make this much of a mess?

 I pulled my clothes off and jumped in the shower. The hot water was a blessing to my cold body. In the warmness of the shower the tears flowed freely.

Why did you have to leave me dad?


"Bye mom!" I called after I ran out the door to the car.

It was about the middle of the school year and dad was taking me the movie. Our theater was slow and got the movies after you could buy them. The movie we were so excited to see was "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" In 3D! Yes! Call me a nerd if you must but that movie is amazing!

My dad clicked his seat belt and started the car.

"Ready Am?" I nodded vigorously. My dad always made me feel so much better about myself. He was always there for me when I was bullied or didn't have anyone to talk to. I guess in some ways he was my best friend.

He pulled out of the driveway. I turned the radio on and laughed at what was on.

As long as you love me

We could be starving

We could be homeless

We could be broke.

"Turn it off!" My dad screamed. He didn't like Justin Beiber very much. I however, think he is an amazing person.  I laughed and turned it up a bit louder. Right as we pulled into the theater parking lot, a car almost ran into us. My dad swerved and turned sharply to the right, which flipped us over a few times. The car rolled to a stop, I looked over at my dads face, full of fear. I then noticed that the world seemed different. We were upside down. There was glass all over the ground and all the windows were broken. I could see blood pooled on the ground and breathing in the metallic smell of it made me panic.

I tried to get my seat belt off but it was stuck behind something. I looked to my dad for help, he had a huge gash on the right side of his head and was bleeding. A lot.

I realized all of the pain on my stomach. I glanced down, well in this case up, and saw that my seat belt had saved me, but in turn had dug deep into my belly leaving a faint line of blood on my white shirt.

How did the seat belt cut me?

You know how your dad always has that look that he knows what is going to happen next? He's always got a plan for everything? It scared me to death to see my dad not like this. He had no idea what to do. He kept trying to get his seat belt undone but he couldn't. His face started turning purple from being suffocated.

"Ammie, It's okay, we will get out of this." he said with hope in his voice. Something in the back of my mind told me that we weren't. There were cuts all along his arms from the glass and I could tell he wasn't feeling that good. The air bags didn't go off for some reason... or they did... I couldn't tell because I was fuzzing in and out of focus, sometimes seeing everything, sometimes seeing nothing.

Wee-oo Wee-oo Wee-oo

Did somebody call the ambulance? I took a closer look at my dad and realized that he was about to pass out from lack of oxygen.

My door opened, somebody grabbed me, snapped my belt off, and dragged me out.

"No, wait my dad..." I mumbled.

"Ammie! I love you.." I heard him whisper.

Then I passed out.

*Flashback over*

I jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my head to dry my hair.  I looked at my stomach. It had a big line cut across it from the seat belt. I have been terrified of cars ever since... as well as Justin Bieber.

I pulled on my sweats and a shirt and flopped on my bed.

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