Chapter 14: Jake's Present

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Dedicated to lisanellefson :) thank you for your comment :) it literally made my day better :3

Okay so I am sossooooo sorry that it has been longer then a month of update... I feel really bad so I made this chapter extra long just for you guys :) 

Next update AT THE LATEST will be November 30th maybe this time I will do it in less then a month and then the next one will only be 2 weeks instead of that long...

Again.. sorry.

Last time on New Girl Next Door...

Clarice was Jakes last fling, his mothers name is Shandra, Andy is his best friend.

Jake is scheduled to have a date with Ammie on Saturday night.

Cole and Ammie went on a date and he was kissing another girl.

Some mysterious person helped Ammie up after that happened.

And guess who it was?

Yepp, It was Jake.

I looked at his face which was dripping in the rain.

He helped me up to where I was standing, and then quickly dragged me over to his bike which was parked under a tree.

"What happened?" he asked, voice full of concern.

"Um..." I don't really want to say anything... i'd rather tell Kira later so I can vent it all out.

"Please?" He brought his hand up to my face, palm on my cheek. I leaned into it, closing my eyes.

When I opened them, Jake was staring at me, his face hid a little bit by the shadows cast by the tree.

Maybe it was just because of what happened or how amazingly hot he looked right there but I leaned forward and brought my lips to meet his.

At first he was surprised, so I pulled back a little. Then he pulled his hand from my cheek into my hair and pulled me towards him to meet our lips again.

His lips were so soft it felt like I was rubbing silk on my lips. It felt different then the kiss we shared in my room that night.

Jim was playing Uncharted on the PS3 when I walked in the door. I was so wet that when I walked you could hear the squelching noises of my wet shoes.

"Geez Ammie what did you do? Go swimming?" he said right after he shot a guy in the stomach. 

"Nice one dude! And maybe I did, maybe I didn't I'm not gonna tell you." I laughed. Jake had made my mood so much better.

He stuck his tongue out at me, making him look away from the screen and being shot. He yelled at me and I hopped/skipped away to my room to go to bed and dream of lolly pops and candy canes.

But first....I must learn how to get a soul back from the demons that call themselves gingers...

Unaware that I was on the edge of my bed, I rolled over and fell off my bed, bringing my nightstand and a various other items along with me. I heard laughter and a snap of a picture. I whipped my head up to see who it was and a smiling Kira was looking at me.

"Why are you here," I groaned, "at-" I grabbed my clock that was on the floor next to me, "9 in the morning?"

"Because my dear Ammie Carter, I wish to learn all about the date that took place last night. After Jake came home from work he seemed happier and was even nice to me. It was weird." she looked down at me.

That perked me up a bit. I got up quick to see if anyone was in the hallway before closing my door and locking it. I walked over to my window and shut it and the blinds.

"Okay, Ms. Creepy... whats going on?" Kira asked.

I told her of the tale from last night. She looked surprised.

"You didn't tell me you were going to the movies where Jake works... that's kinna awkward..."

"Tell me about it." I said. I hopped up to unlock my door so I could get some food but as soon as it was unlocked my mom burst through the door holding what looked like a big wet sponge.

"Ammie! I'm glad you're up now, I sent Kira up here a while ago to wake you and it was so quiet I thought she fell asleep with you." she smiled. "Oh and one more thing! I made Sponge Toast for you! Here!" she gave me the pan and waltzed out humming a song that sounded a bit like "Its A Small World".

I ran straight to the window to throw out the "Sponge Toast" but Kira stopped me.

"Wait, Jake likes your mothers cooking, may I take it home to him?" I slowly turned around and made a face.

"Why on earth does he like it?" She shrugged but took the pan and left before yelling a small "bye".

I rolled my eyes before walking down stairs to get real food. What surprised me was that my mother was making eggs... like regular scrambled eggs.

"I made some food honey, the sponge toast didn't taste too good to me so I made us some eggs!" I gave her a suspicious look before scooping up some eggs onto a plate.

I glanced over at Jim who was stuffing his face with them. They must be okay...

I slowly pulled my fork down to the yellow globs, I stabbed one hunk and brought it up to my mouth. They were still warm and they tasted like actual food!

It was amazing!

"Well since you two like my eggs then I will have to make them more often! Oh I know what wil lmake them better! Celery!"

Me and Jim looked at each other and smiled.

Jakes POV

I was pretty excited for Andy to get here, I had to go pick him up from the airport in about 10 minutes. I wondered what he had in store for me....

I pulled in the parking lot and got out of the car. A few jets and planes were in the parking spaces they were assigned to. I watched a plane come down the runway, which I assumed was Andy's. I hurried inside to wait for him there.

I was looking through the swarm of people all around me when I noticed his head sticking out of the crowd. He was so tall it was easy to find him. 

"Andy!" I called over to him, he noticed and ran over to me, pummeling  me with a hug.

When he let go of me I noticed a blonde chick behind him. I gestured to her.

"Hey man, who's this?"

"Dude, you don't recognize Clarice?" My mouth dropped. I didn't see it before but now I did.

Her hair was shorter then it was, she didn't have makeup covering her face like she used to, just the eye stuff... I don't know what its called... Masculiner? Whatever. She was wearing WAY more clothing then she did before. She was freaking smoking! Way better then when I saw her last!

"Hey Jacob." She said.

guyssss I updated!

So next update by at least November 30th! :)

Thank you for all of your comments all throughout the story :) 

This chapter kinna sucks... sorry again for the slow update I have been reading a lot and I was busy... I just finnished City of Bones and watched the movie... Jace is hot...

On chapter one shoutout to LOla2145 cause her comment made me laugh :3 please go read her stories


Please don't copy my story

Ps remember best comment gets a dedication :)

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